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Marty was any gay guy’s dream boyfriend: handsome, charming and funny. We went on a few dates and had good conversation - which Star Wars film was best; which Hogwarts house we would want to belong to; why the Minnesota Vikings were never going to win the Super Bowl - but it quickly became clear to me at least that we wouldn’t quite work as a couple. Marty himself wasn’t quite so convinced.

As a pretty short and lean guy myself I was ideally looking for a partner that was bigger and stronger than myself, which Marty really wasn’t. I was also a total bottom who’d only ever had bad experiences topping in the past and Marty confessed that he too preferred bottoming over being a top. We were simply too similar to be sexually compatible and with some hesitancy I shared that truth with him, along with a sincere wish that he would go on to find a guy who was truly deserving of somebody as wonderful as himself. 

Much to my surprise though, Marty wasn’t willing to accept my explanation for why we wouldn’t work. “If you want someone bigger and stronger, I can get bigger and stronger,” he expressed in a serious tone, holding my hands in his own. He only had an inch in height over me and considering I stood at a below-average five-eight, that wasn’t really saying much. His body was lean and toned from his years as a track runner back in high school but he didn’t have the kind of strength needed to fulfill my fantasies of being pinned down and ravished. 

Despite his begging, I had come to my conclusion and wished him well before departing. Putting him in the past was a difficult choice to make but I knew in my heart that it was the right one. Some people just weren’t meant to be together. I didn’t expect to ever see him again, especially as I moved cities shortly after our break-up due to a promising job opportunity, but it was a mere three-hundred and sixty-five days before our paths crossed once more. 

Truthfully, I didn’t recognize him at first. Gone was the Marty that I knew with his big pink cheeks, porcelain pale skin and carefully styled dark brown hair. In the space of a single year he had become an absolute mountain of a man: six-foot-six and almost two-hundred and eighty pounds of shredded muscle. A thick beard had grown from his square jawline and a healthy scattering of chest hair could be seen through the open collar of his tight-fitting shirt. The fabric of the garment clung to his gigantic body like its very life depended on it, highlighting his large upper arms, broad shoulders and huge pectorals. Simply put, Marty had become precisely the kind of guy that my dirtiest dreams featured on a nightly basis.

“But… how?” I gasped, struggling to make the connection between the man I had left a year ago and the hunk before me. “This isn’t possible!” Marty’s growth defied all logic, even the use of steroids couldn’t explain such growth, and yet his auburn eyes remained the same. There was no denying that the man who pulled me close, grabbed my ass and stole a hungry kiss from my lips was the very same one who had begged me to stay with him the previous year.

As our lips finally parted after the kiss of a lifetime, he smirked down at me and merely grunted, “That’ll be my secret, babe.” Before I could argue his lips were on mine again and my attempts to insist on an explanation were washed away by the oncoming waves of pleasure prompted by his large body pressing against my own. It wasn’t long before I was on the back of his motorbike with my arms wrapped around his solid torso and then in an apartment in the city he had just purchased, where he fucked me senseless on any surface we could get to. By the time our marathon fuck session finished some five hours later I was utterly spent and quite content to cuddle up in his big arms and let sleep claim me, content that I had been reunited with my perfect man.

Although I tried multiple times to learn his secret, Marty continued to play coy and refused to share what had caused his impossible growth into a bonafide alpha hunk. Eventually though, he slipped up and forgot to lock the bottom drawer on his bedside table. He had begun working as a weightlifting coach at a nearby gym and ran early morning classes five days a week which meant I often woke up alone in his king-sized bed. Curiosity got the better of me and with a thundering heart in my chest I looked into the drawer that he had always kept me away from. Inside were a number of pill bottles, all of which were covered with ‘AlphaGro’ labels. I pulled a bottle from the drawer and inspected the label: Take three tablets daily to promote hyper-growth in your Beta body. When at your ideal Alpha state, take one tablet daily to maintain size.

I should have put the pills back and pretended I’d never seen them in the first place. I’d always been told that I was too nosy for my own good and it would end up getting me into trouble one day. The pills were right there though, promising that I too could become as much of an alpha male as Marty. I was rock hard as I thought about my skinny frame beginning to outgrow my clothes and a thick beard adding some much-needed ruggedness to my squeaky clean appearance. He’d be mad at me for using his stash... but really, how could I resist?



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