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Dante here used to be such a disappointment. 

I’d started paying for training sessions with him because I thought he was hot and his large muscles suggested he knew what he was doing in the gym and could probably help me get into better shape. In just my first hour with him though I was able to determine that he wasn’t a very good person. He made a number of homophobic jokes and crude sexist remarks throughout the session, not to mention a few subtle digs at how weak I was. When I failed to curl the twenty pound dumbbells for anything more than three reps he just sighed, shook his head and snatched them off of me to bust out a full set of ten reps himself. 

Even though he was arrogant and bigoted I could see potential in Dante and didn’t want that to go to waste. With a little fine-tuning he could so easily become a perfect my; my perfect guy. He just needed a little help getting to that point so that was what I vowed to do. I’d been training to use hypnosis devices for the better part of two years but had only ever made fairly small changes in the grand scheme of things - I’d used it to help my friend quit smoking by instructing his unconscious brain to find the taste of tobacco revolting, for instance. Dante would need a little more than that though.

It didn’t take much to get my device into the meathead’s hands. I had replaced the face of my watch with a hypnotic pulsating spiral and when I asked Dante if he wanted to see it, he snatched it out of my hands just as I had expected him too. “Really focus on it,” I instructed him, getting only a grunt in response. His eyes were locked onto the spiral though and as his mouth hung open and a little bit of drool began to gather on his lower lip I knew I had him right where I wanted him. The first command I installed in his mind was that he would want to see my watch at the start of each of our sessions with each other. Repeated exposure to the spiral would make his mind more malleable for me and I daren’t try anything more than that with him unless he worked out what I was doing.

After our third session together I suggested that he stop charging me to train with him. There had been a moment’s pause after that and I held my breath, anxious that I was about to get an angry tirade from the other man, when he merely grunted and agreed. I let out a sigh of relief; not only did the hypnotic suggestion work but it was also going to be much nicer to my struggling bank balance. In typical Dante fashion he overcharged for the actual service he provided.

Two sessions later and I issued my next command: he should stop making jokes that other people might find offensive. All I received in response was a grunt but in the session following that he didn’t once say anything that could have been interpreted as homophobic or sexist. He was still arrogant as all hell, sure, but he wasn;t outwardly aggressive anymore which I was happy to see.

Six sessions in and I was able to convince him that he didn’t find women attractive. There was a noticeable lack of staring at the college girls who trained around us following that, when he had almost always spent copious amounts of time checking out their tits or asses. 

It wasn’t long before my instruction for him to find men attractive began to become obvious: I watched from afar as he pressed himself right up against guys under the guise of spotting them during their reps. He even started supporting a chub in his tight pants throughout our sessions, confirming to me that he was packing some serious heat down below. It didn’t take much to expand on that command - he should find me more attractive than anyone else. Needless to say by the end of that session he was having his way with me in the communal showers and then took me back to his place to fuck me some more. 

Even though I had mentally crafted the perfect guy for me, I couldn’t get enough of his impressive strength that he used to manhandle me both in private and public. Swearing to myself that my hypnotic persuasion was coming to an end, I finished with one final command: he was to get bigger at any cost. I loved watching his muscles grow larger each week and feeling his strong hands on me. Thanks to some careful steroid use his already impressive frame exploded out with even more musculature. He was a freak of nature with impossible strength but he was mine and I couldn’t be any happier with all of the improvements I had made! 



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