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Oh boy, I was so damn close to getting busted for dealing back there! Honestly I don’t know why cops get so uptight about these things, all I was selling was a little bit of Molly; it wasn’t like those college kids had been buying anything too hardcore from me. I’m not in the business of getting kids hooked on heroin or anything really that bad. They just want to have a good night out and I’m the guy who can make that happen in exchange for a little bit of dough to help me pay the overdue rent on my tiny basement apartment. 

It was supposed to be a pretty routine deal but the kids started to panic when they heard the approaching siren and sprinted right outta there, leaving me exposed with a bunch of pills out on display. To make matters even worse, I recognised the deputy who stepped out of the vehicle: Harry Owens. It was a name I’d long wanted to forget given our history, and yet I’d never be able to as long as we both remained in our hometown, I was the local fuck-up and e was part of the Sheriff's department. 

Harry and I had gone to school together but despite being the same age - hell, we even shared a birthday - we couldn’t have been any further apart. I was the quiet stoner kid who skipped class to smoke in the bathroom stalls while he was the captain of the baseball time and the school’s golden boy. He was a total jerk too, always pushing around weaker guys like myself, but nobody wanted to hear that. He could get away with anything and did. It had given him an outrageously arrogant demeanor, something that was only bolstered by the badge he now wore.

The smug look on Harry’s face as he unhooked the cuffs from his belt and approached made my blood boil. What could I do though? Things could only get worse if I ran or attempted to strike him, no matter how badly I wanted to do the latter. “I’ve been waiting to catch you in a situation like this,” the deputy drawled, his deep voice laced with wicked glee. “Guys like you never clean up their act. Small town trash will always be small town trash, I guess.”

“I wish you knew how it felt in my shoes,” I spat out, a decade of aggression finally spilling out of me. “Life’s a lot more difficult when people aren’t willingly laying down to be walked all over or giving out freebies just because you’ve got a pretty face.” 

His smirk only widened. “So you think I’ve got a pretty face, huh? What are you, some kind of fa--” The words were cut off by a sudden clap of thunder above us, loud enough to make us both flinch. My eyes squeezed shut and every muscle in my body tensed for a moment before relaxing. 

As I stood back to my full height and opened my eyes though, I knew there was something wrong. No, not wrong - different. How could it be wrong when some higher power had seemingly granted my wish? I was looking through Harry’s eyes, across at the skinny pale form of myself. The fear in his eyes was palpable. It was likely the first in a long time that Harry had any reason to feel afraid of anyone. Knowing I was the cause of that pumped adrenaline through my body and a familiar smirk settled across the handsome face that I now had.

“No, no! I didn’t do anything!” my former high school tormentor exclaimed as I marched forward, pinning him face-first against the wall with ease. “Please, don’t do this! I’ll do anything you want! Please stop!” Pulling his hands behind his back, I locked the cuffs around his wrist and pulled the bag of pills free from his grasp to keep as evidence later on. His words trailed off into unintelligible sobs but I felt no sympathy for him as I dragged him back towards his own vehicle and forced him into the back, ready for a trip back to the station and some time behind bars for dealing drugs to college kids.

Now that I’m in the driver’s seat of the cop car and looking at my new face in the mirror, I can’t help but smile. Harry didn’t deserve the life of privilege that he had but it’s going to change everything for me. I won’t be struggling to pay the rent or find guys interested in me anymore, not now that Harry’s handsome face and tight muscular body are mine! I suppose I should say thank you but he’s still too busy crying to listen. Oh well, if he didn’t want to end up behind bars then he shouldn’t have been dealing drugs!



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