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Lifelong besties Emily and Jenny were desperately crushing on the guys living in the house across from them but there was one major issue: they were a gay couple who would never even look twice at them.

Adam and Kieran were both fine young gentlemen - college educated with respectable careers in business, well looked after trim bodies that suggested they were in the gym two or three times a week and most importantly they had wonderful manners. They were always so polite to everyone, particularly the elderly couple who lived next door to them and had been very nervous to learn that a pair of young men would be joining the neighborhood. Although their relationship wasn’t exactly accepted by everyone in the local area, they had settled in just fine and in the process captured the hearts of the two young women who lived across from them.

Both Emily and Jenny had histories of doomed relationships with selfish jerks who ended up caring more about their own bodies than their girlfriends. All they really wanted was a pair of fine young men who would treat them like royalty and spoil them with flowers and gifts every now and then. Adam and Kieran were precisely those type of guys, except their homosexuality prevented any sort of coupling up with them. Neither girl considered herself homophobic - they had other gay friends, after all! - but they both secretly wished for a way to capture the young men’s hearts and before long they had found just the way. 

Messing around with black magic was something they had been warned against by a friend who had unwittingly - but permanently - transformed her boyfriend into a mouse just earlier that year, but the girls were tired of seeing their perfect guys go to waste. Jenny had found a spell in a grimoire that promised to switch the sexuality of the person it was used on, although it warned that it would come with a price that would only be known to the spellcaster. Despite that warning the girls had made their minds up and on a bright sunny morning placed the ingredients needed for the spell into a bowl they used as a makeshift cauldron and began chanting the Latin incantation from the book. As they finished a ripple of energy travelled through the room and left them certain that their spell had worked.

Leaving their house with the intent of crossing the road and re-introducing themselves to their future boyfriends, Emily and Jenny were stopped short by the sight of two muscle-bound meatheads exiting Adam and Kieran’s home. The two were only dressed in shorts, exposing their broad chests and thick legs. One even sported a number of tattoos: one across his pec, another down by his abs and then half-sleeves down his forearms. Their voices were loud and booming, leaving no mistake for what the taller and more tanned man said: “Fuck, Adam, I gotta get me some pussy before I explode.” He reached down and grabbed at the thick shape beneath the fabric of his shorts. “Feels like I’ve been forever since I’ve used this meat to make a slut cry out for her daddy.” His friend just chuckled and grunted in response.

Emily and Jenny stared across the street at Adam and Kieran, utterly aghast at what had become of their neighbors. The young men they’d hoped to make husbands out of had become exactly the kind of douchebags that they had dated in the past and it was clear that there wasn’t going to be any walking down the aisle or happily ever after involved with two guys like that! 

As they attempted to backtrack into the home and find a spell to fix their mistake, the duo were caught off guard by a voice yelling at them: “Ladies! You wanna come over and play with the big boys?” They turned to find Adam leering at them while Kieran rather unsubtly continued to stroke his growing length through his shorts. “Impress us and maybe we’ll get you off too!” The crude remark was met by thunderous laughter by the pair. 

There was little else the girls could do other than retreat back into their home, horrified at their own mistake. Matters were only made worse when they discovered that the page in the grimoire they had used to cast the spell suddenly lacked any writing altogether and there wasn’t going to be any easy fix for what they had done...



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