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To say that I was still hung up on Josh would be a massive understatement. We had been together for six years - high school sweethearts, faithful all through college - and I’d been so certain that he was ‘the one’. We complimented each other personally: he was strong where I was weak and I was loud where he was quiet. Everything seemed to fit perfectly, and then he went and dumped me just two weeks before Christmas. 

Somewhat understandably, I was heartbroken and at a total loss, unsure of how I would be able to tolerate the pitying looks of my family when I turned up to Christmas dinner alone. My older sister had already sent through a thousand messages to my phone suggesting that I open up to her and my mother had done much the same over the answerphone, but I couldn’t bring myself to talk to them - not yet, at least. At dinner I’d probably get an “I told you so” from my father, who had always been convinced that Josh wasn’t good enough for me, but that wasn’t what I needed to hear either. Truthfully, what I felt like I really needed was a big strong man back in my life who could take me into his arms and convince me that everything was alright. I’d never been good at being single.

Alas the only company I had in my empty apartment on those long winter nights was the teddy bear that had been in my possession for as long as I could possibly remember. It was showing signs of age - the stuffing inside no longer quite as firm and the brown colour having paled over the years - but I still kept it close by to remind me of simpler times. I’d even put a little Santa hat on it to decorate for the season. Josh and I had done the whole apartment up together; it had been one of our favourite traditions. I couldn’t help but wonder if he knew he’d be leaving just a few days later when we’d spent that entire afternoon putting tinsel on the tree and hanging lights over the balcony.

Doing my best to push those thoughts aside lest they haunt my dreams for the twelfth day running, I cuddled the teddy bear close to my chest and pulled the covers up over my slender body. I stared through the window up at the night sky and saw a light travelling amongst the stars above. Make a wish, I encouraged myself. There was only one thing I wanted to wish for and I muttered it in a small voice: “I wish I didn’t have to spend Christmas alone.”

It took some time but finally sleep welcomed me into its warm embrace and I was treated to the first peaceful night of sleep I’d had since Josh had walked out on me. I dreamed about a total hunk of a man with broad shoulders, a furry chest and a big bulge who was slowly massaging each and every aching muscle of my body. Every now and then he’d let out a low moan - deep and rumbling - and it sent shivers throughout my body and straight down my hardening cock.

After what might have been the most restful night of sleep in my adult life, I slowly began to stir. I felt a warm presence all around me and found my back pressed up against the solid wall of a beefy man’s chest, as well as his powerful arms wrapped around me to hold me in close. Josh, I thought, my heart skipping a beat for a moment, before I realized that his forearms had neither been quite so defined nor so hairy. With some struggle I managed to turn while remaining between those strong arms and looked up at the handsome face of the man who had paid so much attention to me in my dream. He was still sleeping and looked so damn beautiful, even with the Santa hat on his head.

Wait a minute… I glanced around, inspecting the bed and the floor around me for any sign of my childhood teddy bear. The realization that it was gone caused momentary dismay before my eyes fixed back on the hunk who slowly began stirring to consciousness. Could it be… “Teddy?” 



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