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This is a sequel to the story "Straight Into Christmas" that was released on my site last year.

The past year had been the very best of Ryan’s life. His relationship with Kelly had continued on as strong as ever - indeed, he’d even proposed to her on a romantic getaway that he’d planned for her birthday. She’d cried tears of elation as she’d accepted, throwing her petite arms around his broad shoulders and kissing him like her life depended upon it.

As Christmas approached, Ryan was determined to make it as perfect for his gorgeous bride-to-be as possible. He took charge of decorating the luxury apartment they had moved into thanks to the money they both made in their modelling careers, using his strength to carry around boxes of ornaments and place them in every available space. Kelly had watched him work in delight, giggling every time he turned to flex his muscles for her. He loved showing off for his girl and she had much the same pleasures when doing the same for him. It wasn’t uncommon for them to walk around in their underwear for much of the day and barely twelve hours would pass without them ravishing each other all over the apartment like wild animals.

There was really only one issue that had plagued Ryan since the previous Christmas and that was the strange recurring dream. The dream had been infrequent at first, only returning once every few weeks but as the year continued it began to plague his nights more regularly than not. The dream was always the same: Kelly was there, only she was just a friend rather than the love of his life. She’d call him Joe too and talk about boys with him and, much to Ryan’s horror, he’d find himself happily talking about giving men blowjobs and bottoming for guys he’d met at nightclubs. Ryan always woke up feeling cold and confused from those dreams. He’d have to fuck Kelly senseless - have her screaming out his name, his real name - just to feel like himself again.

When the December days finally rolled in though, the dreams started seeping into Ryan’s daily life and he was growing increasingly irate as a result. His gaze would linger just a little too long on the other guys in the gym. His body would take a little longer to respond to Kelly than it previously did. He’d somehow forget to respond to his own name whenever somebody called him. Not only that but the dreams were even starting to get more intense - it wouldn’t just be him talking about men with Kelly anymore, they would also feature him pressed between two sweaty guys in a nightclub or down on his knees in some stranger’s hotel room, or even under some guy’s desk in an office Ryan was certain he’d never been in before. Even worse, the dreams all felt so real. He’d wake up with the taste of cum in his mouth and have to rinse it out with a glass of whiskey.

Ryan wasn’t stupid, he knew that Kelly suspected that something was going on with him but he didn’t want to confess the truth to her. What would his future wife think if he was to confess that he was having sex dreams about men - that he was even occassionally jerking off to the thought of being dominated by a bigger guy? Their wedding would be called off for sure and he couldn’t let that happen. Kelly’s happiness was the most important thing in the world to him and he was determined to be the perfect boyfriend - the perfect husband - for her. He could only hope that the dreams wouldn’t get any more vivid because he was even beginning to feel the need for a long hard cock penetrating his hole and if that need got any worse then he really didn’t know what he’d do...



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