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When you’re at rock bottom you’re going to agree to anything that’ll raise your standard of living. I had been fired from my job for “lacking enthusiasm”, was crashing on my older sister’s couch and nursing a broken leg from a biking accident. Needless to say, I was fucking miserable and desperately looking for an escape. When a man claiming to be a demon offered my precisely that, I didn’t think twice about accepting.

Now, my mother had always raised me to be religious but it had never quite stuck the way she wanted it to. I didn’t go to church every Sunday or say my bedtime prayers like a good boy. Truthfully I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about religion anymore but it was fair to say that my faith had been lacking as more and more miseries began to build up in my life. Maybe if I had heeded my mother’s advice to stay away from temptation I wouldn’t have ended up in such a position but I knew it would take more than a little willpower to get me out of the mess I had ended up in.

The deal was simple: I would live a rich, healthy life for the next fifty years with everything I could possibly want and in return, I would have to serve the demon in the afterlife. The consequence was so far off that it was easy to put it out of mind and focus on the rewards. I was even offered a full twenty-four hour taste of my new life before making my final decision on the deal. “The final decision will always be yours,” the dealmaker assured me, flashing his brilliant white teeth at me with a bright smile, “Gentleman’s word.”

My decision was made the moment I woke up in a luxury penthouse suite as a version of myself who clearly had everything going right for him - clear skin, perfectly styled hair and a body that had been sculpted with assistance from top-quality personal trainers in the best gyms that money could afford. I was amazed at what I saw in the mirror. Never had I considered myself attractive before but now there was no denying it - I could have any guy or girl I could want and I was going to! Who could possibly risk such an eligible bachelor as myself?

The best part was discovering that I didn’t even need to work to keep up this lifestyle. I was a social media ‘Influencer’ - brands paid me to wear their clothes and promote their products. I got to walk red carpets simply because I was good looking and popular online. There were a whole spread of Halloween party invitations on my dining room table from A-List names and I had my choice of which celebrity I felt like rubbing shoulders with. It was the easiest job in the world and all mine for as long as I wanted it, I just had to sign my name on a dotted line...

I had a whole twenty-four hours to decide if this life was truly for me but I had made my mind up after a single hour spent exploring my new apartment and reflection. Serving a demon in the afterlife for eternity seemed well worth living a perfect life for the next half a century, I was certain of it! As such, I summoned my future master to my side and completed the deal, allowing him to take a vial of my blood to make good on my promise. With the whole world laid out at my feet I just couldn’t wait to experience it and I was never going to look back at the failure I once was!



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