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“How are you holding in down there, buddy?” my own body asked, smirking down at me from its giant height. Never in my life, not even as a baby or toddler, had I ever felt so small and insignificant. Similarly, there was no way I had ever been so angry before. My body had been stolen from me and I was helpless to do anything about it. Nobody even knew what had happened - not my boyfriend, nor my colleagues, nor even my own family! I wasn’t just angry at the body thief for stealing my whole life from me but also at them for failing to notice my absence.

Deep down though I knew this was some form of karmic punishment. My boyfriend and I had been in a rough patch for a few months since he had started working longer hours to try and get a promotion. We hadn’t had sex in almost a month and I was getting desperate. He always claimed to be too tired whenever he got home from work and each dismissal left me more and more frustrated. Eventually that frustration bubbled over and, when my boyfriend sent me a text to announce he was pulling an all-nighter at the office, I decided to hit up my favorite nightclub to look for a quick hook-up. What my boyfriend didn’t know couldn’t hurt him. It was a selfish thought and I was paying for it now.

Despite looking like a stereotypical alpha male with my six-foot-three height and two hundred and ten pounds of muscle, I had a particular fetish for being dominated by guys smaller than me. It was what had first attracted me to my boyfriend who was slight in comparison to my large bulky frame. Most guys I propositioned in the club were more interested in being manhandled by me rather than indulging in my fetish and I was beginning to think my quest would be hopeless until I met Jake. He was exactly my type - five-six, slender and delicate - and his eyes lit up with excitement when I whispered into his ear what I wanted him to do to me.

We were back in my apartment before long and he was stripping my clothes off like there was no tomorrow. I don’t know if he saw the pictures of me and my boyfriend hanging on the walls but if he did then he didn’t say anything about them. I was in a total haze as his hands moved all over my muscles, delicate kisses tracing along the skin. When he finally got me bent over and was thrusting deep inside me I was practically crying out in delight. Even though I’d already cum before he’d even climaxed inside of me, he insisted on blowing me in return for what he described as one of the best fucks of his life. I didn’t see any harm in agreeing - and that’s where I made my biggest mistake.

Laying back on the bed, I stared up at the white ceiling in absolute bliss as his lips got to work around my shaft which was quickly springing back to life. He was a talented cocksucker but I had anticipated at much once I’d first seen those pretty lips of his. This blowjob was too good though - unnaturally good. I felt like he was sucking out my very soul through my cock, I was so sensitive all over. His hands were on my hips to keep me steady and his grip seemed to grow stronger with each second as I felt weaker and weaker. I couldn’t even find the strength in me to moan in delight, I was so physically drained from everything Jake had done to me.

Finally, I mustered enough to raise my head and what I saw stunned me. My own face was looking back at me, lips still around my cock, with a mischievous glint in those familiar eyes. Jake was gone, replaced with a perfect copy of myself, although as I saw my own body I realized that I was getting smaller and smaller. I was horrified and wanted desperately to cry out for him to stop but words continued to fail me and my duplicate’s lips didn’t let up, the tongue swiping across the tip of my shaft and sending me right over the edge.

I wasn’t sure what happened after that. I was totally overwhelmed by a pleasurable sensation that I seemed to go blind and deaf to the world around me. For a fleeting moment absolutely everything seemed perfect - I was even able to forget about the terror I had felt when I saw my double where Jake should have been. Slowly feeling began to return and the first things I noticed were that I felt smaller than ever and was unable to move a single one of my limbs. 

My sight finally returned and I found myself looking in the mirror at my own body, although I was quick to realize that it wasn’t me operating it. For one, the eyeline didn’t match were I was looking at the mirror down. I was lower down, being held in my own hands: a goddamn pumpkin. My terror spiked as I truly realized what had happened to me but I was unable to communicate my fear, forced to look through the empty holes that had been carved out to resemble eyes up at my own smirking face.

“I just want you to know that you’ve become part of a very special annual tradition with this,” the fake me declared, although his words only served to anger me further. “Every Halloween I pick out a new body to spend the next year in and you… well, you were perfect! I just couldn’t help myself and you were so willing to give yourself up to me. It was a match made in Heaven, really! Although I guess from your perspective it might be more a match made in Hell. Oh well, it’s no difference to me!” Learning that I was just one of a long list of men who had fallen for Jake’s - if that was even his real name - ploy didn’t make me feel any better about what had happened to me. In fact it just increased the fear I felt. What had become of those other men? Where was the twink that Jake had been the night before?

As if reading my mind, the body thief offered a chilling explanation: “Now, just a warning, in a week or so you’re going to start rotting and I’ll have to throw you in the trash. It’s a seasonal thing, you know? Don’t worry, until then I’ll keep you around here. You can enjoy watching me live your life and letting your boyfriend fuck me before you get thrown out for good. Speak up if you’re not cool with that.” I couldn’t say anything in response and he knew it. His smirk only grew wider. “That’s what I thought. Thanks buddy! Now where should I put you for the best view of the bedroom…”

Halloween’s in two days time and that means my fate is closing in. I’m angry at the world for failing me, but also at myself. If I had just contained myself I wouldn’t be in this situation. It’s too late for me now though. I can only hope that next Halloween some other poor guy won’t fall for the same mistake that I did. Don’t let it be you, I’m warning you now!



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