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Alex and Eric were hoping that their weekend trip to Las Vegas would be a fun escape from their monotonous lives but the most exciting possibility was that there was the potential for them to score one-night-stands with a cute guy or two. The young business interns were both as gay as the day was long but had failed to establish anything resembling a love life. There had been sparks between them upon their initial meeting but discovering that they were both bottoms had put a dampener on that. What they both craved was a big strong man who wasn’t afraid to dominate them and there was a much better chance of finding a guy like that in a party city Vegas than in their own depressingly sleepy - and aggressively straight - town.

Their little getaway had come at a surprisingly low price considering how luxurious the hotel they were staying at was; marble columns, floor-to-ceiling windows and the largest pool either man had ever set their eyes upon. Each man found a ready-made cocktail waiting for him in his room, deep red in colour and fruity in taste. They enjoyed their drinks, unpacked their stuff for the weekend and then met back up down at the bar to discuss their weekend plans. Catching a Vegas show from one of their favorite popstars was a must, as was seeing the all-male exotic dancing show that their hotel hosted and of course some extended time lounging by the pool catching a tan and hopefully some attention.

As the men sat and discussed their plans though, each started to undergo changes caused by the drink they had thoughtlessly consumed. Their legs pumped up with strong muscles, causing their jeans to strain under the sudden explosion of their quads and calves. Their torsos soon began to expand too, cobblestone abs popping forth one by one until they were joined by two meaty slabs for pecs. The delicate features of their faces began to take on more traditionally masculine forms; jawlines squaring out and stubble growing on their naturally smooth faces.

The further their transformation progressed, the more the topic of conversation began to change. Suddenly the prospect of attending a pop concert was far less appealing - sure, they’d likely be able to pick up guys there but the actual show itself would probably bore them out of their minds - and instead they began discussing going to a shooting range and even completing an assault cause. Previously both would have been completely out of the question for the sheltered and sensitive young men but now they felt a desperate urge to prove their masculinity. Besides, they were already getting quite a few stares from nearby women - unfortunately for them, barking up the wrong tree - so how hard would it be to find some submissive twinks for them to fuck? There were probably plenty out there by the pool ready to serve a pair of real men like them!

Clinking their drinks together, the two men declared that the next forty-eight hours were going to be the very best of their lives. Neither had any idea that by the time the weekend was up they wouldn’t remember anything of their former lives to go back to and would instead end up as just another pair of dim-witted and well-muscled men dancing on stage for their hotel’s resident exotic dancing show! Perhaps they should have been a little more hesitant when they discovered just how cheap their trip would be...



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