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This book right here is the secret to my success. Now I’m not just talking about my success when it comes to picking up chicks nor my success in the gym. I’m talking about all of it. The secret to how I went from a skinny gay nobody with a loser like you for a best friend to one of the most popular guys on campus with a long line a girls waiting to worship my manly body. I thought I was gonna hate being straight but let me tell you, dude, we’ve been underestimating chicks this whole time. They can be into some filthy shit, if you know what I’m talking about. Just last night I had this girl riding me and calling me Daddy. Hot stuff, bro. Seriously hot-fucking-stuff.

Looking at you and then looking at me… well, it’s pretty obvious that we can’t be seen to be friends anymore. I’m not into any of that World of Warcraft and Dungeons and Dragons shit anyway. We’ve got fuck all in common. I’m a hot stud and you’re you! What’s that? You want me to share the book with you? Let you become every bit of a pussy-loving weight-lifting alpha jock like me? That’s an interesting idea dude but you know life doesn’t work on hand-outs. I’ve got no time for folks too lazy to work on improving themselves!

I’ll tell you what though, I’m a nice guy, I’ll give you a chance to prove that you deserve this book. You’ve gotta wrestle me. Yeah, you heard me right. I know you’re not into sports but that’s how us real man solve our problems and you’d know that if you were anything like me. If you can get my shoulders down for a three count or make me tap out - shit, sorry for laughing, it’s just that there’s no fucking way you ever could - then fine, I’ll share my secrets with you and we can be best buds again.

If I pin you though? You’re gonna be my live-in bitch for the rest of the school year. You’ll worship my feet when I tell you to, suck my cock whenever I get horny and do all my laundry and homework for free. Yeah, that sounds like a fair trade to me. I mean you’re wasting my time right now so I really do deserve to get something out of it…

What do you say, runt? You ready to take a big risk and see if you can match up to a man like me or are you gonna forfeit like the bitch I know you are?




This story brings together so many great themes: gay to straight, mental change, muscle growth, humiliation, and of course all with the psychological tension of the reader being addressed directly in the second person. Awesome stuff and fantastic image choice as well - that T-shirt though! 😎💪🍆


Perhaps a side verse could be written in which the nerd runt has something a little more aggressive in mind. He too found out the voodoo stunt and has taken on a reversal and exchange mantra to get some revenge on the holier-than-now jock boy.


Interesting concept! Getting a little revenge on a friend-turned-enemy definitely sounds like a fun idea. I'll consider it for the future!


You have a wonderful talent with writing, both long and short form. 📝❤️