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How are you getting on in there, buddy? Yeah, I know you’re probably still raging and whatever but look at it this way, I could have done so much to you when I decided to take your life as my own. I did you a real favour by putting your consciousness into the mirror! Not everybody who gets their life stolen by folk like me still get to see their bodies as up close as you do, you know. There are some horror stories floating around there - people’s consciousnesses getting put into their pets, or their sneakers or even their toilets. Yeah, not exactly a charming thought, that one, is it? I know that to you I must seem like the devil but I’m really not that bad of a guy, I promise. You can have had your body stolen by somebody so much worse than me, believe me on that. 

Yeah, yeah, I can feel you calling me a ‘bullshitting liar’ but buddy, if it wasn’t me then it would be someone so much worse. With a gorgeous sculpted body and handsome face like this, plus the successful career as a fitness model and the rapidly growing bank balance, it was only a matter of time before your life got snatched. I was just lucky enough to get here first! I’ve got to say that I never expected to score such a perfect specimen for my very first snatch - the guy I learned from described his first guy as “a five at best”. You, Alex, are most definitely a ten. Well, we’re a ten. There’s no ‘I’ in team, right?

Now sure, I could just give this body up and move you right back into it so you can continue living your life but to be totally honest with you, I just don’t want to. I like your life, dude! I like having other guys stare at me in envy and amazement when I lift my tank top up at the gym and show off these six-pack abs. I like having girls all but tripping over themselves to try and get me to look their way. I like getting paid to stand in my underwear and look pretty so some guys can take photos of me and plaster them on billboards and on the side of buildings. Actually, I’m wrong. I don’t like any of that; I love it! How could I not? This is the perfect life, you must know it too. I’d be a fool to give any of it up - so I won’t. Not for a long time yet, at least!

Again dude, thanks for all of this. If you hadn't been so quick to trust me when I offered to redecorate your bathroom for cheap then I never would have had the opportunity to hide my spirit in your next pair of boxers and then force my way into you. Just between you and me, that little struggle we had for control? Yeah, that was pretty hot. I know you didn't see it but I had to jerk off right after I'd deposited you in there, it got me all so fired up! I imagine it was more like panic for you but hey, you helped a poor soul like me out so think of it as doing a good deed. After all, there's not much else you can do in there other than think - well, that and reflect everything that I do. Huh. Now that gives me an idea, something that could please us both and starts with me getting out of these boxers...

You've got to love seeing a smile in the mirror. Here's to you, Alex. Enjoy the show!



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