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After three years together it was hardly surprising that the honeymoon period had long worn off for Will and Joy and they were beginning to get in fights over petty bullshit on a more common basis. Joy would complain that Will spent too much time out drinking with her friends and Will was aggravated by how much space in their apartment she was eating up with her frequent purchases - furniture, clothes, shoes… all of it excess and unnecessary in his opinion. Despite still feeling certain of their love for each other, the arguments were exhausting both of them and the idea of taking a break from one another was beginning to seem more and more appealing to the long-term couple.

It was during a marathon drinking session with his buds while watching a hockey game that Will made the stray wish that would go on to have greater consequences than he could have ever possibly imagined in that single moment: “I wish Joy understood what it was like to be a guy. I swear she thinks we do nothing but burp and fart and grunt at each other.” The comment was immediately met by grunts from his friends. None of them saw the irony in their response and soon the stray remark was forgotten - all until Will got back home from the bar.

Waiting for him wasn’t his girlfriend Joy but rather a man of a similar age to himself that his brain recognized as Jay. Despite feeling fairly certain that he had never met the other man before Will felt a surprising amount of familiarity when it came to Jay and it caused his stomach to twist in a knot. There was something about the other’s facial structure and particularly his eyes… Joy’s eyes. That was it! His girlfriend had been replaced by a male version of herself, a perversion of the wish that Will had drunkenly made some hours ago. 

“What the fuck are you looking at?” Jay asked, his voice deep and rumbling throughout Will. It felt like a challenge and he was never one to back down from a challenge, even if it was likely to get him into trouble or end up with him getting his ass kicked. Jay was no small guy, that was for sure, but Will was still confident enough in himself to think that he could take the other in a fight.

“Just some ugly mug who wouldn’t know what to do with a pair of tits if he ever saw them,” he fired back in response, surprising himself with the sharpness of his tone. It was strange but he felt a resentment and jealousy beginning to burn inside of him as he took in the other’s shirtless visage: the strong muscles, hairy chest and ink decoration on his ribcage… It was no wonder that Jay was a hit with the ladies, sometimes even to the extent that Will himself was overlooked in his favour.

His retort prompted the other man to burst into laughter and he clapped a solid hand down on Will’s shoulder, almost throwing the smaller man off balance. “Big talk for a little guy,” Jay remarked. “How much pussy have you scored recently? Oh yeah, none. You bring ‘em back here, they see that your flatmate’s ten times hotter and… well, I’m not the one lonely in bed that night. Isn’t that right, buddy?” Will’s cheeks burned as he realized that he could remember at least two occasions where that had happened. Jay just seemed to have a way of charming the ladies right out from his grasp and it was totally unfair!

“Shut up,” Will mumbled, avoiding the other’s smug gaze for a moment. Jay had always been more than happy to rub in his countless victories over the other and it had begun to put a strain on their friendship that had begun some three years ago when they’d first met in college. They’d bonded after hooking up with twin sisters at a sorority party and had a competitive friendship since then until recently when it was clear that Jay was the alpha to his beta and Will was always going to be in his friend’s shadow. The worst part of it all was that he was currently so sex-less and lacking confidence that Jay had started to jokingly refer to him as the girl of the house and crudely demanded sandwiches and meals to be made for him at his whim.

Much to his abject horror Will found himself doing as instructed more often than not...



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