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Gabe was on the verge of hyperventilating when he stepped into his gym and immediately recognized one of his top athlete crushes casually hanging out by the ring ropes as if his presence was no big deal. 

Jacob Dalton had captured Gabe’s attention several Olympics ago and he’d been pretty obsessed with the US gymnastics team since then, the amassed beauty of the team having much to do with that. Still, what were the chances of a famous gymnast turning up in his gym in the middle of butt-fuck-nowhere, Texas? Gabe was rooted to the spot, eyes locked on the other man and body completely rigid. His heart felt like it was about to give way when the man smiled in his direction and even waved him over.

“You know who I am, right?” Jacob asked, a friendly smile decorating his beautiful face. “You’ve got that look in your eyes… starstruck or something?” He chuckled to himself, voice deep and rumbling - and sending jolts right through Gabe’s body and straight to his cock. Holy shit, how was Jacob even better looking in person? That level of gorgeousness should be a crime, plain and simple.”Or do you just really like what you see, if you know what I mean?” There was definitely a flirtatious tone to his words and Gabe had to fight back an aroused moan that threatened to escape his lips.

When Gabe failed to produce any words in response, the gymnast laughed again and reached into his pocket. A moment later and he pulled out a small tub of protein powder - ELITE ATHLETICS, the label read - and held it forward. “Chill out Gabe, I’m not really Jake. I just knew that you’d be showing up around this time and thought I’d give you some eye candy. It’s me, Peter!” Nothing that the other said made any sense to Gabe whatsoever - Peter was a dark-skinned lean-bodied guy in his early twenties, how could he look like the guy who had populated so many of Gabe’s dirtiest dreams?

“Elite Athletics aren’t messing around with this new powder, dude. This shit is legit! Just a little mix of this powder in my pre-workout shake and I’ve got the body of an athlete for another six hours! The best part in that I even maintain all the gains I make in this body so I can lift heavy and do all this impressive gymnastics shit and my body will get the benefits from it too!” Jacob - no, Peter - explained, thrusting the tub into Gabe’s hands who closely inspected the list of ingredients and instructions for use. Sure enough it seemed to support the story the other was delivering, even if the rational part of Gabe’s brain remained doubtful. How could such a thing be possible and if so, why wasn’t everyone taking the powder? When he questioned as such, the other laughed. “It costs a pretty penny, dude. We’re talking a few hundred bucks for just a small tub like this. They don’t just do Jake here though - there’s flavours for Sam Mikulak, Gus Kenworthy, Julian Edelman… They got some top class athletes to sign on for this!”

Gabe’s heart began to race. There was a protein shake that could give him the body of Sam Mikulak, perhaps the only member of the US gymnastics team to rival Dalton in terms of beauty? He needed to get his hands on it! His internal excitement was clearly reflected on his face as the other man laughed again and clapped him on the shoulder. “I’ve even got a discount code I’ll let you have if you want to put in an order for that Sam powder. Come on, I know you’re considering it no matter the cost. Just think of all the fun we could have! I’m not just talking about the gym either - we could have a whole lot of fun in the locker room too…”

It didn’t take much to win Gabe over. If Peter was telling the truth then he simply had to have that Sam Mikulak protein shake. Hell, he needed it more than oxygen. Before dropping several hundred dollars on the order though, he had to do something to make sure he wasn’t being conned. Clearing his throat and steadying his heartbeat, he opened the tub and inhaled the masculine scent that radiated from the powder within. “How about I pay you to make me a shake with this stuff first so I can make sure you’re not full of shit?” he requested, a smirk settling on his face as he made a final addition: “I’m already thinking about how much fun two Jacob Dalton’s could have. Aren’t you?”

By the end of the day Gabe had put in his own glowing review of Elite Athletics’ new line of protein powders and had ordered a stock for himself. A short while later and he received a discount code that would activate if he managed to bring another customer in, just as Peter had done for him. Gabe’s mind was already turning. He could think of a number of guys that would make great training partners as the likes of Danny Amendola and JJ Watt...



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