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Peter had felt so sure when he'd gotten rid of the symbiote but in the months that followed he came to realize what a mistake he had made. It felt like a part of him was missing so when the opportunity arose during a fight with Venom, the hero gladly took the alien symbiote back and left Eddie Brock as a pathetic jealous man once again. This time Peter didn't simply co-exist with the symbiote though, he accepted it completely and the two merged to become one unique being, never to be split apart again.

The influence of the Venom symbiote upon him prompted Peter to take on an older appearance with broader shoulders and bulging biceps. A thick forest of hair decorated his chest and forearms as well as a dense beard growing in along his strong jawline. The symbiote eventually settled around Peter's muscular chest as a tight workout shirt that showed off his sudden muscular expansion. He got plenty of attention wherever he went, girls and guys alike both admiring his bouncing pecs through the black spandex-like material.

Internally the naivety of Peter was wiped away as the Venom symbiote's more sadistic tendencies took control and began to lead him down a darker path where the only person of importance was himself. He didn't care about the hero game anymore, only about making himself look good and experiencing the rush of power that came with flexing his muscles and beating weaklings to a pulp. Peter hardly recognized himself anymore but he didn't feel sad about it. It was clear that he and Venom were always supposed to be one and now nothing would ever be able to change things back to the way they were before!



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