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Discovering the genie’s lamp had prompted a dramatic change in Sandra’s life but none was more extreme than the result of her third and final wish. She prided herself on being relatively selfless in her first two wishes - namely clearing her mother’s overdue debts and getting her baby sister a full-ride scholarship to the Ivy League school of her dreams - but she wanted to do something for herself with the last wish available to her. She wished that she had more time to decide on a wish but the genie pressured her for time, advising her that she only had ten minutes to make all three of her wishes before she would forfeit them altogether and he and the lamp would move on and never fall into her possession again.

With tears working against her, Sandra was forced to make a quick decision and after thinking back to her morning gym session where the countless hot guys she was crushing on overlooked her yet again, she came to her conclusion. “I want a body that will make all the guys in the gym stare,” she announced confidently, certain that she would seen be the most drop-dead gorgeous girl to set foot in the establishment. The guys would be lining up behind her to check out her booty as she squat and offering to spot her during her lifts only so they could press themselves up against her. It was vapid and she knew it but what was wrong with a girl wanting a bit of much-deserved attention from the male gender?

Unfortunately for Sandra the devious genie who had come into her possession saw quite the large loophole in her wish and was more than happy to take advantage of it. He gifted the young woman a body that would definitely get her noticed by the guys she had lusted over for months, only they would be staring at her out of envy and admiration rather than lust. That was all thanks to the rapid and unexpected transformation her body and mind underwent in the moments following the wish, as her petite body shifted into that of a hulking bodybuilder and her mind became that of an arrogant meathead with a love of busty blondes and showing off his thick muscles.

Just for a little extra fun the genie gave the new man an extra bigoted streak that would both cause him to view the very same men he had once lusted over as inferior beings, throwing around terms such as “queer” and “fag” without remorse. His overwhelming arrogance and sheer lack of respect for others also turned off the girls he was clearly trying to impress with many of them objecting to how handsy he could be when spotting, often grabbing their asses and making crude remarks about how good they would look pressed up against his strong muscles.

While he definitely caught the eye of every occupant of the gym, nobody particularly wanted to associate themselves with him. Not even his mother nor sister seemed able to tolerate him, viewing him as the black sheep of the family who would never make anything of himself while he remained so obsessed with keeping his body big and strong. Maybe once upon a time he could have made something of himself but it seemed like he had wished it all away at some point!



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