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After being dumped by girlfriend for supposedly being too immature, Cody McIntyre felt rather frustrated. Sure, he knew he could be a little silly at times but he thought that as a collegiate swimmer with a good sense of humour that he had his shit together and a bright future ahead of him. 

Apparently Sasha hadn’t agreed with that and had been all too happy to dump his ass right before they were due to take a weekend break back to his parents’ so they could meet his college girlfriend for the first time. Now he’d have to break the news that she’d dumped him and his mother would harp on that he’d always been too childish or his own good while his father would act as if Sasha had been a witch that he was better off escaping anyway. Cody didn’t believe that either of those things were true. He liked Sasha a lot, he knew that much, and he wanted to help her see that he could be the mature guy that she clearly wanted for a partner.

As such Cody didn’t see any harm in playing around with a little bit of magic and seeing if he could make himself into a more mature man in order to win his ex-girlfriend back. He’d watched a few video tutorials and read a couple of websites giving instruction and how difficult would a maturity spell really be? Unfortunately, like so many men before him, he was simply too naive for his own good. Magic was a complex thing - difficult for more simple minds to get around and it was quick to twist the intentions of its users, taking control when it became aware that they could not control it. Cody was just one such unlucky soul.

The spell wasn’t really too difficult to cast, even if Cody was pretty sure that he hadn’t gotten all of the pronunciation correct. Latin wasn’t exactly his - or anyone’s - first language. For a moment nothing happened and the young man was left frustrated at all the time he had wasted but then a warm sensation began to spread through his body, reaching to the end of his fingers and all the way through to his toes. No part of him was safe as the magic took hold and began to craft a new man out of the arrogant youth.

The changes that came as a result of the spell were subtle but noticeable enough - facial hair growing in along his jawline, broader shoulders and more muscle mass on his previously slender frame. He looked more like a powerlifter than a swimmer and easily a few years older. Not only that but he felt older and wiser too, less inclined to laugh at some of the stupid pranks he had previously loved pulling on his friends - and yes, his girlfriend. In fact he was starting to understand why Sasha always got so angry with him for pulling his stunts.

After a few minutes of checking out his changes in front of the mirror, Cody snapped a couple of selfies that showed off his bigger muscles and thick brown stubble and sent them to Sasha’s number. It would take a one-on-one conversation for her to see that he recognized his own immaturity but hopefully she’d like his physical advancements enough to want to have that conversation with him in the first place. When there was no immediate response Cody was forced to accept that he’d probably have to wait until morning. It was after midnight after all and there was little else he could do except slip under the sheets of his own bed and hope that the new day would bring about a new chapter with his dream girl.

The man that rose some eight hours later was not the same Cody who had drifted to sleep in the bed. Both physically and mentally his changes had continued, turning Cody from a cocky youth to a laidback middle-aged man. His brown hair had turned grey and lined appeared around his eyes and on the back of his hands. His muscles had also grown even further, giving him the robust appearance of somebody who had commit years of their life to a steady gym regimen and healthy diet. His biceps were the size of melons and his traps were sloped enough to resemble mountains!

Feeling up his body, Cody was momentarily confused at his continued changes before letting out a gruff laugh. He couldn’t understand why just moments before he had thought that he was a college student - he’d been out of college for thirty years, after all! Sure, he looked back on those days fondly but only for one reason and that was all of the hot fraternity boys he had hooked up with. That wasn’t to say he couldn’t still pull them now. In fact there were quite a few who were happy to bend over for him and call him “Daddy” whenever he asked them to. Other than that he found himself somewhat irritated with the youth of today and their selfish and lazy attitudes. None of them seemed to have the hardworking streak that the men of his generation had, that was for damn sure.

Checking his cell phone, Cole saw a number of messages from a girl called Sasha - “What app are you using? That’s so not you. This is pathetic, Cody!” - and promptly deleted them. Firstly he didn’t know any girl called Sasha and secondly if she couldn’t even get his name right then she clearly didn’t deserve a response. His name was Cole McImber, he was fifty-three years old and worked as a nutrition specialist at his local all-male gym. His body was his most prized possession and his favorite hobby was learning new languages - he was even starting to get his head around Latin! Needless to say, Cole felt the best he had ever felt in all of his years and he knew that without a doubt he wouldn’t trade his own maturity for the world. 



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