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Marcus had been thrilled when he'd heard the news that the creators of the Bro Simulator franchise were going to be starting up a brand new line with the release of Daddy Simulator 2K19. Having played through the most recent BroSim game multiple times, Marcus was eagerly anticipating how the new game would play out and whether he would have quite as much fun with it. Incredibly eager to get his hands on it, he signed up to the game's newsletter and was soon selected as a beta tester, getting a trial version delivered straight to his email inbox. The ten minutes of installation might as well have been ten hours it was so arduous!

Before the game even reached it's main menu a warning flashed up on the screen that Marcus desperately attempted to skip through by jamming down on the space bar. This game is still in beta and some features may not work as expected, the warning read before fading away in favour of the game's menu. It was disappointingly plain - a navy blue in colour and with only a single option to pick: "Start Trial Game". Marcus didn't need much convincing to select the option and settle in for a gaming session.

Once the menu had disappeared, a single question appeared on the screen with three options. "Are you heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual?" the question read. Marcus scoffed and immediately attempted to select the 'heterosexual' option but instead discovered that he had pressed the 'homosexual' option. Feeling somewhat confused and even embarrassed, he almost considered reloading the game but before he could put too much stock into that thought, an image appeared on the screen. It was a Polaroid picture featuring two men, one a slender blond and the other much larger in frame with a thick black moustache and stylish pair of glasses.

"Select your daddy!" The game prompted. Marcus picked the buffer of the two and was relieved to find that his option hadn't been manipulated this time. His computer mouse jolted for a moment and he pulled his hand back, wincing at the slight discomfort before brushing it off and continuing on with the game as it finally transitioned into a 3D environment where his chosen avatar was in a home office, spread out on a chair that struggled to contain his meaty form and with a newspaper in his hands.

"Pick your new career!" Marcus scanned the options and was disappointed to find that a few of the more exciting ones - a personal trainer, fireman and exotic dancer - were all greyed out as unavailable in the beta version of the game. Instead he opted to choose the 'teacher' option and, just as before, at the last moment his cursor seemed to move and he instead selected the 'electrician' option. The young man let out a curse under his breath as he prepared for a far more boring playthrough than he'd been anticipating. He didn't know anything about being an electrician at all.

Sure you do, he reminded himself after a moment, You've been doing it for a decade now. Marcus was left temporarily confused before he confessed that it was the truth. Why had he been so frustrated with the idea of playing an electrician when that was what he did in daily life? Brushing off the oddity, Marcus scratched at his stubbly jawline and smoothed down his moustache before returning his attention to the game. 

Playing through a couple of the tutorial quests, Marcus shifted in his seat and adjusted the bulge in his shorts. He'd been certain that he had been wearing jeans when he started playing but he was most definitely looking down at his favourite pair of yellow shorts. His bulge was neatly outlined by the fabric and his thighs were looking thicker than ever. He could almost imagine having a twink down in between them, eagerly worshipping his cock like a good submissive bitch. The thought was enough to start getting him hard. 

The next quest took Marcus and his avatar through to the bathroom where he was greeted by a fork in the questline with the following question - "Shave off the body hair?" Chuckling to himself, Marcus moved his cursor to confirm that he would indeed shave off the hair that coated his body but instead jammed his finger down on the mouse once it had covered over the "Hell No!" option. A moment later and he was scratching at his furry chest through the tee that felt suddenly tight around his pecs. It had been noted more than once by Marcus' friends that he had a fondness of Smediums but he didn't see anything wrong with that, especially as they made him look super buff and got him the attention he desired.

Just as the next quest started - "Get some relief courtesy of the boy next door!" - the game hit its limit and the beta finished up in a most unsatisfactory fashion. Marcus was left hard, horny and suddenly desperate to take a trip next door. His neighbour's college-aged track star son was home for the holidays and that tight body suddenly seemed ever so tempting. Marcus was sure that it wouldn't take much to charm the young man and get him answering to and serving another Daddy in no time!


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