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I convinced my daughter that Thaddeus wasn't an acceptable guy for her to be dating and she dumped him as a result but my intentions had been anything but pure. There was very little truth to my words at all - Thaddeus seemed like a perfectly respectable young man every time we spoke - but I had decided early on that I had other plans for him that most certainly didn't involve my daughter. I wanted her to hate him simply so she would get out of the way and allow me to have my way with the young college jock and his gorgeous body.

Back in my days as a youth being gay was completely unacceptable so I locked myself in an iron closet and did my best to be happy faking heterosexuality. I even got married and fathered an angelic daughter, although my relationship with my wife broke down during my daughter's early teenage years and now the two of us don't even see eye to eye. I'm not sad about that though as it gave me the opportunity to explore the homosexual urges I had tried to repress since being a young man. Unfortunately for most I was well past the point of attractiveness and with my large gut and bald head, there were few men out there who found me at all desirable.

There was no denying that a guy like Thaddeus - young, buff and beautiful - wouldn't ever look twice at an overweight middle-aged man such as myself. The attraction I felt towards my daughter's ex-boyfriend was more than simple sexual desire though. I saw the possibility of a fresh start in Thaddeus' body, of a life as an openly gay man who wouldn't have to hide in the closet or face rejection at every turn. With his trim muscular body that might as well have been carved out of marble and the model good looks, complete with a perfect complexion, I would be the centre of attention in any room. That was what I wanted from Thaddeus and sheer determination made sure that I saw my goals through.

I had to sacrifice a lot to possess Thaddeus but I didn't regret it for a single moment. The money, the stress and the pain was all worth it as I pushed into the younger man through his back, spreading out across his broad shoulders and wiggling his fingers. It was bizarre to be moving another man's body around like a puppet but it was also incredibly arousing and as my lower half joined my torso as part of Thaddeus I immediately began to pitch a tent in his shorts. The last part of me to join with him was my head and as I looked through his eyes at my new gorgeous reflection I almost wept with joy. This was everything I had never had and now I would finally have the opportunity to enjoy the life I had always wanted!

With my daughter staying with her mother for the foreseeable future there was no chance of my disappearance being noted any time soon and that meant I would be able to settle into Thaddeus' life stress-free and truly make it my own. His mind still existed within the body although it was locked away behind my own and only accessed to ensure that I stuck to his diet and workout plans in order to keep the body in tip-top shape. My personality was definitely in the driver's seat though and I had begun establishing my personal desires upon my new body, purchasing plenty of gym gear and even ordering some leather gear that would fit snugly around Thaddeus' muscular frame.

My new Grindr profile had been incredibly active ever since I'd uploaded the post-workout photos featuring my sweaty chest and deep v-lines but I hadn't indulged in any of the men attempting to seduce me. With a face and body like this I no longer had to settle for any guy who showed an interest, I could be picky and only accept the best which was exactly what I planned to do. After all, plenty of guys who were now messaging me had turned their noses up at me before and it gave me a smug satisfaction to do the same to them in turn. They simply weren't deserving of the new me, just as my daughter hadn't deserved to keep perfect Thaddeus all to herself.

Thankfully he was all mine now and was going to lead me to the best life an out of shape middle-aged man such as myself could possibly live! Despite what I told my daughter he was a good guy after all - not that I'd ever let her know it. Things worked out for the best, even if I had to sacrifice my daughter's happiness to ensure it. There would be another guy out there for her, I was sure, but Thaddeus was most definitely mine for the long haul!


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