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Nobody ever truly loves their body. I was never overly critical of mine but the one part of me that really damaged my self esteem was my love handles. No matter how much cardio I did or diets I tried I never seemed to be able to lose that last little bit of flab around the waist. I didn't want to put too much thought into my physical appearance but every time a boyfriend made a comment about having "something to hold onto" I found my mood plummeting. All I wanted was some nice carved v-lines and a lower overall body-fat percentage but nothing short of a miracle seemed capable of helping me achieve my goal.

Much to my surprise the miracle did eventually materialize in my life through a conversation I had with Patrick, one of my old college buddies that I met up with for lunch one day. Neither of us had found much success in the dating world since our days as fraternity brothers but for quite different reasons: I had always found myself over-thinking things and especially feeling anxious about that last bit of weight, while Patrick found himself against conventional 'gay stylings' with his thin body and healthy dosage of body hair. We joked over lunch that day about switching the things we disliked most about ourselves, I had just never expected Patrick to find a way to make it a reality.

Now here I am with not only a furry mane of chest hair across my pecs and stomach but also sporting some hairy thighs. I'm even rocking some stubble across my jawline for the first time in my life, with a thick moustache to boot! All of that was then topped off with the increased mass of hair under my armpits and even in my speedo. 

At first I wasn't even sure what to do with all of that hair - trying to tame it certainly wasn't an option and it grew back too quickly to even bother with regularly shaving - but eventually I grew used to it. After all, I finally had my perfect v-lines so the copious amounts of body hair were a small price to pay in comparison. In fact I was even starting to enjoy it and it turned out there were a lot of guys out there who enjoyed it just as much, commenting on how 'manly' it made me seem to them. Most importantly to me, there were no more comments about having love handles to hold onto!

What was that old saying - one man's trash is another man's treasure? I think that turned out to be the case for Patrick and I too!


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