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As some of you folks may know, I recently started a new job. I was eager to make sure my desk was properly decorated and a real representation of myself, so I was quick to decorate it with a number of nerdy toys. Represented perhaps more than anybody else was Captain America, my favorite superhero played by one of my favorite actors. Chris Evans had proven himself time and time again to be an endless source of thirst for me, but it was also through mutual appreciation of his movies that I'd made some very good friends, so I had grown to consider him to be a lucky charm of sorts.

I only intended to transform Evans into one of the Cap toys decorating my desk for the duration of my first week. That would help me land on my feet and settle in without an issue, then I'd transform him back and let him be on his merry way. I'd heard rumors that Evans was a transformation enthusiast anyway after being the victim of changes courtesy of the Craftsman and Mr Cavanaugh previously - to name just a couple - so I figured that he'd enjoy it!

Now that it's Friday and I'm about to leave the office though, I've run into a bit of an issue. I've completely forgotten whether I made Chris into my LEGO Captain America or my Funko Pop Captain America! I know, I know, I should have kept track but this new job has kept me so busy that some things just slipped my mind and this was one of them. You don't know how many meetings and briefings I've been in this week - that's a lot of information to try and retain all at once so cut me some slack!

The office is going to be locking up soon so I need to make a decision. It's a fifty-fifty chance that I turn the real Chris Evans back to himself but what if I get the wrong one? I'm then granting human life to what was essentially an inanimate toy and who knows how they would act! Not only that but then Chris would be stuck at my desk without a hope of getting his body back, forced to watch as still as a statue as I went about my day. He'd also get to see a toy take his place which I could imagine would make him insanely angry!

That's it, it's officially closing time. Oh god, what am I going to do? Which do I pick to transform? This single decision is more stressful than anything else I've had to do at this job so far!


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