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Apologies for the late arrival of this story. It's entirely due to my current gaming addiction caused by PS4's new Spider-Man game. Therefore he seemed like the perfect candidate for this week's slightly delayed story!

After failing to catch up to Black Cat, Spider-Man had instead found himself gifted with a brand new suit courtesy of his elusive ex-girlfriend. While their relationship could be antagonistic at times, he felt relatively confident that the suit wouldn't hurt him and decided to try it on. 

He was hardly surprised to discover that it hugged his muscles in places and particularly showed off his ass and thighs. Black Cat had never been shy about objectifying him and in a way, Peter enjoyed it. He'd been the unattractive loser back in high school who could never get a girl to look his way other than with pity, so being treated like a sex object now gave him a little boosted confidence which was never a bad thing.

As he pulled on the mask and looked through the visors, Peter was caught off guard by a red flash that momentarily blinded him. His body froze up, entirely rigid, and his spider-sense began to shriek out in alarm. Before he could truly begin to panic, Black Cat's voice began to play from the suit's built-in speakers and Peter found it strangely calming.

"Oh baby, you've always been so naive. It's cute, really." Peter was ashamed to admit that maybe she had a point. When it came to women he could sometimes be blind enough to step headfirst into danger. "Don't worry, cutie, I don't plan on hurting you. You don't have to worry your pretty little head about that. This suit will just make you a little more... suggestible." What did she mean by 'suggestible'? Certainly nothing good.

Truthfully, Peter's body began to feel very warm in the suit. It was as if every muscle was being slowly massaged and an inexplicable state of pleasure began to wash through him. He couldn't remember ever feeling so comfortable in one of his suits before. What the hell had she put in this suit to cause such a reaction? Peter had his questions but he couldn't open his mouth to ask any of them.

"Grab your cock," Black Cat instructed and without a moment's pause, Peter's hand moved to his crotch and began to grope it until he could feel the length beneath the dark fabric began to harden. "Tease yourself." Try as he might, Peter simply couldn't disobey the instruction. Something compelled him to do as Selina's calming voice instructed him and soon he was dripping pre-cum in his suit as his rock hard cock begged for release.

"Cum." As Black Cat issued her next instruction, Peter knew he was lost to the power of the suit. Everything felt so good that he didn't want to fight back. Maybe he could let Black Cat win just this once...



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