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When Jonah [right] came out as gay, Brad [left] was utterly perplexed. Suddenly his brother felt like a total stranger to him and despite the urging of both his family and his own girlfriend, Brad couldn't help but act distant towards Jonah. His only previous experience with a gay guy hadn't exactly been the best, as the other had consistently hit on him at the gym and even ended up attempting to squeeze his ass in the communal showers before Brad make a complaint and got the homo banned from the gym premises. He didn't consider himself homophobic but he didn't exactly feel comfortable around gays and his brother was no different.

After he had argued with his parents about how he'd treated his brother lately, Brad was in a foul mood and it was only made worse when his girlfriend announced that she had organized a meeting between him and a local LGBT+ official representative. He had wanted to argue back but Jane made it pretty clear that she wouldn't accept any of his bullshit and eventually he agreed to go if only to stop her from getting upset and denying him sex that night.

When he finally attended the meeting, Brad was pleased to find that the rep wasn't one of those over-the-top flamboyant gays. In fact, he wouldn't have even known the man was gay if he hadn't mentioned it in his introduction. "Sean Buster," he announced, extending a hand. "Husband, father of two, proud gay man. I'm here to help you any way I can." Brad shook the other man's hand and settled in to get pointlessly lectured for the next hour or so. 

Instead of launching into some tirade about how straight people were narrow-minded and scared, Sean simply invited Brad to talk about why his brother's announcement had made him feel so uncomfortable. Brad wasn't sure why but he felt like he could speak honestly in the other man's presence and laid everything bare, not even bothering to hide the parts that made him sound bigoted. Jane had insisted that this was a good idea after all, so he was doing his girlfriend a favor by opening up, even if he wasn't sure what the point actually was.

After Brad had shared his story, Sean smiled and clasped his hands together. "I know precisely what I can do for you," the man stated, his voice calm and level. "A way that can restore the relationship you had with your brother." Brad was highly doubtful but he also found himself strangely trusting the other man, even if he wasn't quite sure why. Sean reached into one of the drawers under his desk and pulled out a slip of paper filled with what appeared to be an essay of some sort. At the bottom of the page were two dotted lines, ready and waiting for signatures. One was already present and Brad soon recognized it as his brother's.

"What's this?" he asked curiously, scanning over the page but not quite managing to process any of its information. His mind was apparently too busy working out other stuff. Sean extended his hand, offering a fountain pen that Brad took without a single moment of hesitation. Without even waiting for a reply to his question, he signed his name on the empty dotted line and pushed both the paper and pen back across the desk.

"A contract," the older man explained. "To... restore order, as it were. I think you'll be very happy with the results." The answer was cryptic and yet Brad was entirely satisfied by it. "I believe that concludes our business?" The young man was quick to agree, feeling certain that his discussion with Sean and the signing of the contract had made a big difference. Maybe things would finally get back to normal between himself and Jonah.

The Brad that entered Sean's office - a straight young man with a somewhat skewed perspective of homosexuality - was not the same man who left it some two hours later. The subtle manipulation of his mind by Sean had been not only locked in place by the contract he had signed, but also multiplied. His romantic and sexual urges towards women had degraded away as instead an inexplicable urge to suck cock and have his ass filled took its place. The Brad that left the office was sure of his identity as a gay man and he was proud to know that his brother was brave enough to come out of the closet. It only made sense that Brad would now follow Jonah's example and admit the secret he had been hiding his whole life. He didn't have to feel ashamed anymore and hide behind his fake relationship with Jane!

Sean watched his latest client leave with a smile on his face and checked to ensure that the money from Brad's parents for his conversion had been arrived. There was no doubt for the family now that the relationship between brothers was going to be stronger than ever and Brad was so happy to know that no matter what, nothing could come between the familial love he felt for his little brother.



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