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Back when I was a kid, I had dreams about flying high in the sky. Just the thought of flying got me excited. My favorite superheroes were the ones that took to the air - Superman, for example - and I was obsessed enough to attempt to beat multiple Pokémon games with a flying-type-only team. Deep down I knew that there was no way I'd be able to really soar through the sky like I dreamed of, but I could at least be a pilot for airplanes or helicopters that could.

Unfortunately I, like so many others even to this day, was let down by a poor education system and a broken home. Missing whole weeks of school for a variety of reasons, I ended up dropping out of high school in my junior year to get a job working in a gas store to try and support my mom who was critically sick. By that point I hadn't seen my dad in years and my dreams of reaching for the stars were buried six feet under.

The Great Change really turned things around for me though. I'm not sure if it was manufactured by some higher power or was just some freak accident - hell, even the experts don't seem to know who or what caused it - but I woke up that fateful morning in the body of a handsome man who just so happened to be a commercial airline pilot!

A glance in the man's wallet revealed my new identity to be that of Gregory Whittaker and unlocking his phone - thank you thumb print recognition - to check his messages and pictures gave a pretty clear indication that not only did he have a pretty generous bank balance on order to holiday so often but he was also something of a bachelor who wasn't afraid to play the field. I'd never seen so many pictures of girls fondling their tits - or hell, the dick pics from a variety of stunning guys too. It seemed like Gregory wasn't fussy as long as he got to have some fun and considering the gorgeous face I saw reflected back at me in the mirror, I was hardly surprised.

The one thing the Great Change didn't provide me - or anyone for that matter - with was the knowledge of how to do my new job. I had absolutely no idea how to fly a plane but unlike in my previous life, I now had the perfect opportunity to learn. The skies had escaped my grasp once before but they never would again because I was ready, willing and able to learn!

If somebody out there really did cause the Great Change, I send my thanks to them. Whether they know it or not, they caused my childhood dream to come true and I'm not going to waste the opportunity to finally reach out for clouds!



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