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Look at this big body. You love it, don't you? I can see you're hard already so just admit it. Maybe if you're well behaved I'll even let you touch it! I bet you'd love that, wouldn't you? Go on, try and deny that you want to get those hands of yours all over me - feeling up my abs and groping my biceps as I flex. I can see it in your eyes that it'll be a dream come true for you. You'll have to convince me though because considering your recent attitude I'm not sure just how generous I'm feeling.

Of course, I guess I should be thanking you for that poor attitude. It's because you were such a dick to me after I came out of the closet that coach switched our bodies in the first place. He gave me full authority to teach you a lesson and - well, this is quite the lesson, isn't it? I'm a whole head taller than you now and a damn sight stronger too. Just look at these arms. My bicep's practically the size of your head now, dweeb.

Now I know you don't really want to be doing this - which honestly is kind of surprising to me. You seemed like the kind of douche who would be interested on getting fucked by himself but hey, if you want your body back then you'll have to do what coach and I say. It's time you got those hands and lips to work because I'm going to have you worship every single muscle on this body before I even contemplate telling coach that you've learned your lesson!

You know my body's not really that bad - I was neither short nor slim - but compared to this you really don't stand a chance so there's no point fighting back. You're a pipsqueak compared to me and for as long as I want, you're going to be living in my shadow. I know that's not something a self-proclaimed alpha male like you is used to but trust me, you'll be getting plenty of practice. After all, with a frame like this, I case a pretty big shadow!



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