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Caleb was never a very trustworthy roommate. It didn't matter how often I told him to leave my half of the dorm room alone, he would always presume that anything in our shared room was perfectly acceptable to use - be it my antiperspirant spray, (admittedly poorly) hidden stash of snacks or even my clothes. That last one was the worst of all, simply because Caleb was several shirt sizes bigger than me and he had a habit of stretching out all of my best clothes.

Now I'm not exactly a shrimp of a guy. I was a track star back in high school and even though I've opted to put my education above sports now I'm at college it's not like I've totally fallen off the bandwagon. I keep myself trim by getting into the gym three or four times a week but Caleb probably spends as much time there, working up a sweat, as he does in our dorm room. His body was his most prized possession and he wasn't shy about making sure everybody knew it, flexing his biceps so often that he regularly busted the seams on the sleeves of whatever shirt had the misfortune of being worn by him that day. My frustration at him stealing my clothes so often is becoming a little more understandable now, right?

Knowing that Caleb's made a habit of pinching my stuff - especially anything that might potentially show off his "gainz" - I hatched a plan to make my time in the dorm room a little more bearable. You see, Caleb wasn't just greedy and thoughtless when it came to our possessions. He was a bundle of negative personality traits - selfish, obnoxious and unflinchingly ignorant. He liked to act as if the world revolved around him and refused to accept otherwise.

It was playing upon his ignorance that I was able to pull off my masterpiece of a plan. All I had to do was purchase an obnoxious tank top with the word "MEAT" adorning it in huge bold lettering and leave it on the end of my bed. Sure enough when I returned to our dorm just two hours later I found Caleb wearing it. At any other point he might have been showcasing a smug grin on his face, as if daring me to call him out for wearing my shirt, but there was a distant look in his eyes and his smile was more lopsided than usual.

The change in his demeanor was no coincidence either. You see, I made some friends in one of my chemistry classes who had developed a "himbo drug" that they had bottled and were selling on the black market. They were nice enough to give me a bottle for free after I lamented to them about my troubles with my roommate. I had coated the tank top with the spray, using almost half of the bottle as my friends had advised me to. They assured me that Caleb wouldn't be giving me any grief after that.

As far as I've been able to tell over the past few days, they were right! Caleb's a changed man - mentally rather than physically, which I'm rather happy about. It would be a shame for that perfect physique to be lost, only now it's being put to much better use. He's still flexing, only now it's with the sole purpose of getting me aroused rather than to taunt me for daring to be smaller than him.

Newly himbofied and unsure of his own thoughts, Caleb was easy to shape to all of my desires. He's something of a personal servant these days, more than happy to drop to his knees and massage my feet while I work on my assignments - not to mention his outstanding cock-sucking abilities. I'm not sure if they're a result of the himbo spray or he had them all along but at this point questions like that are pointless.

Caleb's nothing more than a piece of big dumb himbo meat now and neither of us could be any happier for it!



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