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What's this - a Friday Rec actually on time?!

All self-mockery aside, it's time for your weekly classic story recommendation! I must confess that picking out these stories can be damn difficult, simply because there's so many great stories out there to pick from! It certainly makes my job a lot more difficult.

My choice this week is a classic celebrity body swap and I'm sure you're all well aware of how much I love those! This one's a great story for fans of the NFL as it happens to feature the divisive Tom Brady undergoing something of a major change.

"Brady Swap" by LLOYD311 

"Brady Swap" is one of my favorite stories currently being hosted on the Gay Spiral Mind Control Collection site. It has a ton of great elements which I'm a noted fan of, such as humiliation from the new occupant of the former football hunk's body. I always enjoy body swap stories that use the role reversal ideas of the situation and this story does that perfectly.

Another fun element this story uses is the racial swap between Tom Brady and his future body. It's something I've tried to make more common in my own stories this year but my interest in body swaps between people of different racial backgrounds originates in stories like this one. 

What did you guys think of this story? Did Tom Brady finally get what he deserved? Let me know if you have any other celebrity body swap favorites - I'm always excited to hear your recommendations too!


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