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Toby looks great, doesn't he? It's not his own body, of course, but it's the one he chose for our vacation and I've got to say that he made a great pick. It's the kind of body any guy would want so I guess it's really not much of a surprise that he wants to show it off at every possible opportunity. I can't say that I wouldn't if I'd picked that body.

The body Toby's currently showing off originally belongs to Josh, a senior in my husband's Sports Science class at our local college. I've heard him speak about Josh before but I hadn't believed he could truly be as gorgeous as Toby made him sound until I saw him with my own eyes. Those strong muscles and that perfect ass, which was barely contained by the tight white briefs and hid absolutely nothing. He was a complete stud and all but the polar opposite of my husband who was on the older side of fifty while sporting a hairy chest and slight beer gut.

Let's just say that we've had quite some fun with Josh's body, something I don't think the real Josh would approve of, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him. His mind is currently dormant after all so we can have all the fun we like without having to consider the consequences. 

I've got to admit though, I'm actually getting a little frustrated at how arrogant my dear husband is acting while he's in this youthful body. He won't stop showing off and has even begun talking down to me, as if he's only letting my get my hands and lips on that body out of pity. I'm not sure if it's some of Josh's personality mixing with his own but it's making me feel a little uncomfortable.

Still, I'm not sure how well Toby will take it if I suggest that he slips out of Josh's body soon. There's a part of me that worries that this constant string of possessions is putting a real strain on our relationship - but then there's also a part of me that wants to take Josh's body for a ride myself.

Would it really be that bad if I joined the party and possessed him while Toby was still in there? I'd probably get some heat in the long run but man, it would be pretty hot...


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