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I always knew that Mr Stone had a great body hiding underneath those XL shirts but he was far too wholesome to even consider showing off a little in front of his impressionable students. Despite clearly being the most handsome teacher in the whole school, Mr Stone acted so humble and polite at all times that anybody might think he wasn't aware of how gorgeous he really was. The only reason people loved History - and got decent grades in it, for good measure - was because he was their teacher, even though he looked more suited for sports classes.

Like many of my classmates I found myself a little breathless whenever his gaze crossed my own and he called upon me in class. He was one of the men that had helped me realize my sexuality and he was in pretty fine company considering the others were actors like Chris Evans and Idris Elba. Despite their celebrity status, it was Mr Stone that appealed to me most of all though.

What do teachers even do on their weekends? It was a question I'd never really considered before - and why would I? - until I started focusing the question on Mr Stone. I tried to imagine him playing video games or going out to meals with friends but it seemed to strange to visualize. He was my teacher after all and despite knowing that logically he had to have some kind of life outside of school, it was hard to picture in my mind.

My curiosity was satiated not long after when I got to experience a "Teacher's Weekend" for myself, in the body of my favorite teacher. While stargazing on Friday night - judge me all you like, I love astrology - my mind drifted to Mr Stone and wondered what he was doing at that moment in time.

The next morning... well, see for yourself!

I could hardly believe that I had awoken in Mr Stone's body but a solid twenty minutes to massaging his hairy pecs and admiring his numerous tattoos was enough to convince me that this was real. I don't know how but the stars chose to bless me with an experience I wasn't going to waste. I knew for a fact that every single one of my classmates would be jealous of me for getting to experience the hunky History teacher's body up close so why wouldn't I make the most of it?

I've already been for a jog around the neighborhood and I've just found Mr Stone's - sorry, my - keycard to get access to the local gym. I've never stepped foot in a gym before but it would be a shame not to get my pump on when I'm such a stud that even the sports teachers are envious of me!

It turns out teachers can have just as exciting a weekend as their students - and trust me, I'm only just getting started!


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