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A month ago Gavin had convinced Ryan to take part in a science experiment with him that would be recorded as a "Behind the Scenes" video for the Achievement Hunter channel. Unfortunately for both, Gavin's science wasn't quite perfect - something Trevor had tried to tell them, being the most scientifically adept of the lot - and ever since then they had been randomly switching bodies every few days.

After four whole days in their correct bodies, the coworkers believed that their random switches had settled down for good - until they were live on the Off Topic podcast and felt a familiar jolt. A second later and they were looking through each other's eyes, Gavin looking out from the perspective of an older American man while Ryan found himself feeling lighter and talking in a distinct British accent.

"Ah bloody hell, again?" he muttered, shaking his head. The others gathered around the table glanced at them curiously but neither man wanted to explain what was going on when they were live on a podcast. They hadn't even gotten around to explaining it to the rest of the guys in the Achievement Hunter office, who simply presumed that both men were just having weird days. Given the characters gathered in the office it didn't exactly raise too much suspicion.

Gavin kicked him under the table, causing Ryan to splutter and break off with a laugh. He was always overwhelmed straight after the switch - and surprisingly horny. Would it be too inappropriate for him to take a 'toilet break' in the middle of the podcast to relieve that particular situation? A quick look in Gavin's - or, well, his own - eyes confirmed that he wasn't the only thing thinking that either. A quick glance under the table confirmed that Gavin's crotch was bulging just as much as his own was.

The fans surely wouldn't notice if they disappeared for ten minutes together... would they? Oh hell, it would probably make some slash shippers out there happy. Why not add a little fuel to the fire when their lives were currently intertwined anyway?

Enjoy this public story, inspired by discussions with my good friends Bizz & The Craftsman! If you want to read more weekly stories like this - and longer ones too - then consider signing up to become a patron for as little as $3 a month, each tier offering a variety of perks!


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