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This week's Friday Rec comes courtesy of the Male Transformation Blog and was written by Erick S who went on to run a great tumblr blog that sadly vanished earlier this year.

"Last Question" by Erick S. 

Released back in November of 2009, "Last Question" was one of my absolute favorite stories in the early days of my transformation interests. 

It tapped into everything I enjoyed - and still love - about body swaps stories, namely somebody with a 'less than impressive' body and life upgrading to something more desirable. I think that's something a lot of people can relate to and judging by the photo Erick used for the story, I don't think I'd mind stealing the athlete's body either!

Another thing I enjoyed about the story was how even though there was no explicit mental transformation, the former athlete goes along with the switch. That's not something too common in body swap stories and it's a nice twist on expectations!

Have you read "Last Question" before? If so or even if you're reading it for the first time, what were your thoughts? I'd love to hear them!



I actually remember this one too. Loved it then and now.