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Derrick and I have been coming to the same gym to work out together for years now. We're bros for life - hell, we even have matching tattoos - and are pretty much brothers. Guys who spend as much time with each other as we do know when the other's hiding something and I'm telling you that Derrick's got a secret he's refusing to tell me.

You might think that keeping one little secret from your best friend isn't that big of a deal but this feels pretty major. Whatever secret he's keeping, it's changed him. It's hard to explain but there's just something different about him.  He doesn't seem to click with our inside jokes anymore and his sense of humor's slightly off. I tried telling my girlfriend but she thinks it's just Derrick "finally maturing". Yeah, not very helpful.

The weirdest part of it all is that his change of attitude started pretty much the day anybody last saw Roger, the friendly fat man that owns the gym we've always worked out at. Nobody's seen or heard anything from Roger for three weeks now and his nephew's had to take over the place. He's a nice kid but I can tell he's worried about his uncle. In all fairness, so am I. Roger was always nice to Derrick and I, even if we were douches to him at first.

It isn't possible that Derrick knows something about Roger's disappearance is it? It's not like I'm accusing the guy of killing Roger and stuffing him into an ice box or anything but it just seems a little weird that those two events happened at pretty much the same time. I don't know, maybe I'm just overthinking things.

I think I'll definitely be keeping my eye on Derrick from now on though... just in case.


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