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When I told my ex-wife I would do anything to make her happy again I had no idea it would lead to a dramatic conclusion such as this. 

We had been separated for two years and I had been utterly miserable in that time, totally unable to move on from the woman I'd promised to spend my entire life loving. She was marginally more successful with her following relationships - I had somewhat unhealthily taken to stalking her social media profiles - but none of them had ever lasted. In my head it was because we were meant to find our way back to each other. That was what we'd promised in front of God at our wedding, after all.

Every time I tried to talk to Kristin and make amends she brushed me off as if I was dirt on her shoes. I was all too aware of the fact that the men she was now attempting to court were younger than myself and that in my forties I was definitely past my prime but that never stopped me from trying to win her back. At one point I had been the love of her life and that was all I wanted to be again.

When Kristin finally decided to hear me out and have an actual conversation with me, I was ecstatic. I knew all I needed was a few good lines to win her back and our lives would finally return to normal. Upon arrival I was quick to notice she wasn't as hostile as usual either, in fact she was rather polite which I took as a good sign. Perhaps she wouldn't take as much convincing as I'd dreaded she would.

"I want you to be my dream man again," she declared as a means of breaking the ice. My heart all but backflipped in my chest, elated to hear those words I'd previously only dreamed of. I was thrilled that she was finally ready to let me back into her life!

"And I want to be your dream man too!" I replied eagerly, leaning across the table to take her hand in my own. She blushed, just as she always had when we first dated as teenagers, but there was something different about her smile. I didn't know what it was until I saw the cunning woman hiding behind her beautiful eyes.

Fearing what I saw in those eyes, I attempted to pull my hand back but found myself mysteriously unable to. Instead heat began to pulse from her own delicate hand and I watched in utter confusion as a tan spread across my formerly pale hand and began to travel up my arm and across the rest of my body.

"Am I dreaming this?" I gasped, just as stunned by the croaking of my voice. I hardly even sounded like myself! As the tan spread I noticed that my fingers appeared thinner while the hairs on my arms receded, leaving me nearly hairless.

The tragic beer gut I had developed since Kristin left me was slowly sucked back in and as I moved my hand to my abdomen I was surprised to feel hard muscles there rather than flab. The top of his shirt was pushed out by expanding pectoral muscles and I couldn't help but raise my hands to grope them, playing with them as if they were a pair of women's tits.

"Take your shirt off," Kristin commanded. I didn't hesitate to do as I was told, sending buttons flying as I ripped open the front of my pale blue shirt to reveal a muscular chest and nature-themed tattoo on my left pec. Kristin bit down on her lower lip, visibly enjoying my transformation and that made me feel much more at peace with what was happening to me. 

A tickling around my jaw caused me a moment of alarm but as I reached up to investigate I instead found myself scratching at stubble as if it had been my intention all along. Long curly hair began to fall in front of my eyes, prompting me to push it back behind my ears. I knew I should be alarmed by the changes happening to my body but they were beginning to feel natural and I couldn't remember why I should even question them.

Anybody watching would have noticed the lines that came from age disappearing from my face as my skin returned to the smoothness of youth. Instead I felt a sudden surge of energy, like I was fully capable of getting up and running a half-marathon or completing a thousand crunches on the spot. Or, you know, fucking all night long. That was definitely a tempting option.

Reaching down, I groped at the crotch of my pants and let out a deep growling moan as my cock responded to the touch, becoming harder by the second. My ex-wife looked more beautiful than ever and seeing the delight on her face only made me want to please her. I was aching to get my hands on her and 

Every single thought in my mind was being put through a filter, simplifying everything until all the knowledge I used for my office job and the majority of my memories had faded away into oblivion. My mind was left empty and ready for manipulation, something Kristin was quick to do. I was given a new name - Rodrigo - and an uncontrollable lust that was focused solely on the beautiful woman I couldn't take my eyes off of.

With my lack of smarts I never realized that both my physical and mental transformations were to truly make me into my ex-wife's dream guy. Then again, had I been aware of how much I had changed in the last five minutes I may never have complained anyway!


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