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Alec had been hesitant about attending Pride in the first place, considering the struggles he'd gone through - and was still experiencing - in order to accept his own sexuality. It had taken the combined convincing of Magnus, Isabelle and Jace to get him to go but even then he couldn't help but feel uneasy, as if he didn't really fit in among the mundanes that seemed so happy and proud to be who they were. Perhaps Alec was close to finding some level of peace with his homosexuality but he still wasn't at the place where he was happy to flaunt it without a care in the world.

At the festival Alec encountered a number of people who couldn't have been more worlds away from him if they tried. Flamboyant twinks with spray-dyed pink hair, cocky jocks sauntering around in posing trunks, leather-wearing bear daddies who leered at him like he was prey on their hunting trip. He couldn't have possibly felt more out of place if he tried.

Magnus seemed to be having a good time though, his hair enchanted to change between blue, pink and purple to represent his bisexuality. Alec of course thought it was awesome but when didn't he think something Magnus did was? The warlock was the best thing in his life and he was so glad that he had him there, especially after that mess with Valentine stealing his body. That had been scary for everybody involved.

As such, when Alec lost track of Magnus in the crowds he felt a little apprehensive. He was sure that it didn't mean his boyfriend was in trouble but he didn't like being separated, especially as it meant he was surrounded by so many people that truly made him feel different. It was a strange feeling.

Before he could even really begin his search, he felt a hand press against the small of his back. Expecting it to be Magnus, Alec smiled as he turned his head but then pause when he was instead greeted by the sight of a skinny blonde twink. "I love your tattoos!" the younger male gasped, his voice displaying a faint lisp. "Tribal stuff is so sexy!" Alec had to fight back a groan. Why did this have to happen to him?

"I have a boyfriend," he muttered in response, knowing that his words came off more aggressive than intended. Perhaps it would get the twink to leave him the hell alone.

Unfortunately it didn't seem to deter him. "I'm sure he won't mind sharing!" the twink suggested, his hand trailing down to smack Alec's ass. Had they not been in the middle of a crowded street then Alec might have grabbed the twink and pinned him down against the floor with considerable force. Unfortunately that wasn't quite socially acceptable so his threats would have to stay vocal. The last thing he wanted to do was cause a scene because that would just attract more attention to him.

Fighting back the explosive rage building inside of him, Alec simply glared. "I'm not interested," he hissed, pushing the other's hand away.

"But I am," the twink countered a moment later, his hand moving against Alec's back once more - and pushing inside of it! A gasp escaped the Shadowhunter's lips as he realized he was totally rooted to the spot and unable to pull himself away from his surprise attacker. "I'm really interested. Like I said, I really like the tribal tattoos."

"You don't know what you're doing," Alec groaned, trying to deny just how strange his body suddenly felt. He had no idea what the twink was doing to him but he had no doubt that it was bad news.

The high-pitched laugh he received in response sent a shiver down his spine. "Oh I do, Shadowhunter," the twink whispered in his ear. Seconds later Alec's body felt like it was on fire and he grit his teeth together to stop himself from screaming. He always hated showing weakness and pain, even if they were simply human emotions. He was supposed to be above that.

The next thing Alec knew he was lying on sheets. His eyes remained closed even as he tried to open them and his arms refused to move when he commanded them to. Ugh, what the hell is going on? To say that he felt groggy was an understatement. He felt like he'd been in a deep sleep for years and his body was still adjusting to having to move again. Unfortunately with every passing second it became clear that he couldn't move anything at all.

Finally his eyes snapped open and he rose to a seated position, hands immediately moving to caress his pecs. These weren't Alec's own movements and he was terrified, already having flashbacks to Valentine's theft of Magnus' body. This had to be a similar situation, he was sure of it.

"You're quick," his own body suddenly announced. "Only awake for minutes and you've already cracked it." Alec had no idea how his body was talking without him controlling it but it could apparently hear his thoughts and that was troubling in itself. What the hell was going on? He needed to find a way to explain this to Magnus, he'd know how to fix it!

"Good luck trying, Lightwood. You're not getting a word out of these lips any time soon," his body declared, a finger moving up to trace across his lips. "I've got your body under lock and key. Not even your warlock boyfriend knows that there's anything wrong."

That couldn't be true. Surely Magnus would sense something or notice something different about him? You're lying

"Am I? I've gotten by just fine in your body for the last week!" The last word hit Alec like a train, catching him totally off guard. A week? There's no way it's already been a week... "But it has! You've been out of it this whole time and I've enjoyed everything your body has to offer - let me tell you, I really enjoy how athletic the sex with Magnus is!"

Alec was raging. This couldn't possibly be happening. The twink from pride who was no doubt some sort of demon or warlock had possessed him and managed to pass off as him for a whole seven days without any suspicion. How could his boyfriend or his parabatai not even notice that there was something wrong with him?

Before Alec was allowed to dwell on it for too long, he was suddenly alerted by another presence in the room- Magnus. Help! That's not me!  He hoped and prayed that his boyfriend could hear his screaming thoughts but there was absolutely no indication that he could, especially considering the sensual smirk the warlock was giving the impostor as he approached the bed, removing items of clothing along the way.

"About time you woke up, baby," his boyfriend announced as he climbed onto the bed and straddled Alec's body, "You ready for round three?" 

Any hope that Magnus would notice something wrong with him began to dissipate, much to Alec's utter disappointment. Was he going to be trapped like this forever? It seemed likely and even after just a few minutes he knew it was torture.

"I could keep going for the rest of my life," the invader to his body declared in response to Magnus but Alec knew the response was meant for him too. It looked like he wasn't getting out of this any time soon, that was for sure...


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