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Jack Morrison was fearless, not because he wanted to but because he had to be. He had taken it upon himself to protect the world and that was damn sure what he was going to do. He wasn't going to let anything or anyone hold him back - not his age nor any ghosts from his past that came back to haunt him. He was a soldier with a mission and nothing could distract him from that, not when the mission was his whole reason for living now.

Learning about the existence of a Blackwatch experimental weapons testing facility, Jack knew immediately that he had to jump into action. He could only imagine what sort of weapons they were testing there and they no doubt spelled trouble for anybody who had once or still identified themselves as a member of Overwatch. They couldn't be allowed to remain operational and he was going to make sure they were shut down.

Security was rather lax and Jack easily dispatched of the few guards he crossed paths with during his break-in. He supposed that it only highlighted Blackwatch's arrogance, believing nobody would dare to trespass on their private property. Considering how many Blackwatch agents the infamous Soldier: 76 had crossed paths with (fatally so, in some cases), he was almost offended that they hadn't done more to try and prevent his entry. Then again, could he really be mad when it made his whole job somewhat easier?

It didn't take long for Jack to access the files from one of the many offices on the upper floor of the facility and even though many of the weapons were listed under codenames, he saw enough of their properties to be concerned. The amount of explosives alone were enough to make him pause. He'd have to be somewhat subtle if he was going to disable every weapon and then destroy the facility without getting caught and executed. It was a dangerous task but there was really no better man for the job, was there?

Then there was some of the stranger weapons Blackwatch seemed to be developing. Knowing that he needed to see them with his own eyes, Jack left the office and began venturing further into the facility, making sure to remain as stealthy as possible until he finally reached what could only be described as a storage area, filled with hundreds of crates. Full of dangerous experimental weapons, no doubt.

Curiosity got the better of him and - still remaining vigilant - Jack slowly pulled the lid off the nearest crate to glance inside. He'd expected fearsome-looking firearms or chemical bombs, not the cloud of green smoke that shot up. Thankfully his mask had remained on, blocking the mystery smoke from entering his system.

"What the hell is this stuff?" he asked, slamming the lid back down on the crate - moments before something hard struck the back of his head and his entire world blacked out.

The next thing Jack knew, he was tied down to a chair and his mask had been removed. No, it wasn't just his mask, it was all of his clothes! He was totally exposed and surrounded by a number of Blackwatch agents, all of him wore wicked smirks on their faces as they watched him silently.

"You know, I'm disappointed that pesky mask of yours got in the way," a man in a well-tailored suit declared as he stepped forth from the group. "We've been looking for the right person to test the gas and well, who better than Strike Commander Morrison himself?"

So they knew exactly who he was. That was just great. "You can go to hell for your troubles," Jack spat in return, glaring narrowly at the man. He was foolish in his youth - or did he just not care that what he was doing was wrong? Either way it made Jack sick.

"The old man's still got fire in him!" his tormentor laughed, earning a ripple of chuckles around the room. "Good! Good. I can't wait to see how long it takes for that to all drain out of you. Gas masks on, boys!"

Nothing made Jack's heart drop quicker than when he realized what that meant. Everybody in the room would be wearing a mask to prevent the mystery green gas from entering their system - everyone except him, that was. He didn't even know what it did, he just knew it wasn't good! It was a weapon for crying out loud, surely it meant doom for him and yet he was totally surrounded with no means of escape.

Holding his breath did absolutely no good. The green gas moved with purpose, as if it was a living thing, and forced itself up Jack's nostrils. He writhed against the bonds keeping him trapped but it was all for nothing. Whatever that chemical weapon was, it was in his body now and very soon Jack was sure he would be dead.

The first thing he noticed was just how hot he felt despite the fact he was totally naked and exposed. His body felt like it was in close contact with a roaring fire and he flinched, expecting to be burned at any second. The sensation was certainly not comfortable but then again Blackwatch hardly seemed the type that would care about how humane his death was.

A chorus of low chuckles began to circle around the room and Jack did his very best to block them out, not wanting the soundtrack to his death to be so infuriating. His body felt like it was swelling, no doubt as a result of whatever poison had affected him. He was light-headed and even thinking felt like a laborious task. 

"It's working, it's working!" one of his tormentors hissed. The fire within Jack burned stronger and his body felt like it was pushed to the limits. If he'd had the strength to look down then he would have caught sight of his growing pecs and soccer-ball sized biceps. Everything had gotten so much bigger, even his cock. Jack didn't even remember when he'd started to get hard, all he could think about was just how surprisingly good he felt! Wasn't dying supposed to hurt?

Rational thought began to drain from Jack's mind, leaving him focused on nothing other than how hard he was and how desperate he felt to have somebody wrap their lips around his cock already. Couldn't they see how in need of it he was? Panting and moaning, Jack didn't even want to fight the sudden arousal that had claimed a hold over his brain and body. In that very moment he was a lover (although perhaps fucker would be more accurate), not a fighter, and he wanted to stay that way!

"It looks like everything worked just fine," the first man declared, stepping back close to him and removing his gas mask. Jack was both surprised and delighted by the twitch of his cock as the distance between the two men grew shorter. "How are you feeling, Jack?"

"Horny," he replied without a moment of hesitation, earning a chorus of laughter and cheers from around the room. Jack didn't even feel threatened by them anymore, despite knowing that Blackwatch was the enemy. Instead he just wanted one of them to put him out of his misery and get to work on his cock. Was that too much to ask?

As the ropes keeping him restrained were finally cut, the rugged soldier let out a sigh of relief. Then, by complete instinct, he dropped to his knees and began to unbuckle the Blackwatch agent's belt. The cheers around him only grew louder and his cock was painfully hard but he knew his job. He had to make sure his masters were satisfied before he could please himself and Jack was never the type to do a bad job!

(Soldier: 76 Fanart by TheFabulousCroissant on DeviantArt)


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