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"What's the point in working out? Wouldn't you be happy just sitting on the sofa with a pizza and some video games?"

That's what you always used to ask me at least, never understanding that I got as much enjoyment out of hitting the gym and pushing my body to the limits as you did playing through the latest triple-A video game title. Sure, like most young dudes I enjoyed a gaming session here and there but it was never my sole focus and I didn't want to become a lazy slob like you.

Yeah, I mean that. You're a lazy slob and it's actually kind of embarrassing to call you my friend, especially when I'm throwing parties and you meet the rest of my gym bros. I don't want to be an ass but you kinda cramp my style and they keep asking why I live with such a loser. You're nice enough but physically you're pretty lacking.

It was my buddy Jon who suggested that maybe I should make you see what the point of working out is. I never would have thought of something like this but I think we can both agree it's turned out to be mutually beneficial, right? I get a good quality new compression top and you... well, you get to enjoy hugging my muscles in all the right places and living through my daily workouts at the gym.

It's not like I'm really mistreating you. I mean sure I'm working up a sweat regularly and flexing often so you can be stretched out over my muscles but it's all for a good reason! You were sure you were right and that being lazy was the best way to live. I set out to prove you wrong and I'm hoping that after the past couple of days as my new favorite shirt you might be inclined to agree. 

If not then I guess I'll be keeping you as my shirt for a little longer! Until then have fun massaging my pecs and caressing my biceps every time I flex. I know deep down you love it really and maybe when I turn you back - sorry, if  I turn you back - then I'll let you do the same. For now though, you're best to me as a shirt so that's how it's going to be.

Do you get the point now, bro?


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