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There's something strange about my daughter's prom date. Perhaps I'm just being paranoid but there's just something about the way he acts around her that sets alarm bells off in my head. I wish John wasn't out on a business trip because he'd either be able to set my mind at rest or reassure me that there's something strange going on with Cameron. 

I simply can't stop thinking that he's not an average high school senior - not even one of the pretentious rich kids that I know Elena loves to surround herself with. There's something in his eyes that sends a shiver down my spine, something gleeful. It's silly but I cant help but think of those moments in comic book movies when the villain's plan is coming to fruition. That's my overactive imagination and I know it but there's just something wrong about Cameron and I have no idea what to tell Elena.

Damn it, I really do wish Peter was here to assure me that I'm not just going crazy...


Boy am I glad my step-father isn't home. He'd hate Cameron, I know it, and would probably ban me from going to prom altogether if he saw us together. Thankfully he's out on some lame business trip so it's only my overprotective and annoying mother that I have to put up with. I can tell she isn't Cameron's biggest fan but whatever, she's clearly just jealous she could never score the popular boys when she was back in high school.

For the past couple of days Cameron's been more wild than ever! Just yesterday after class he sneaked into the men's toilets and he fingered me in one of stalls, licking his fingers clean once I'd finished so he could taste my juices. It was the hottest thing I'd ever seen so of course I returned the favor by sucking his cock in all of its majestic glory. 

Considering he's booked us a hotel room for after prom finishes I'm pretty sure he's planning something special for me and I just can't wait!


Help! It doesn't matter how loud I scream, Elena just can't hear me. None of my words after coming out because I'm no longer operating my body - hell, I'm not even really human anymore. I'm not sure how it happened but I had just finished up lacrosse practice when I felt something sharp dig into my neck. Seconds later and I was collapsing to the floor and hollowing out, becoming a body suit.

I don't know who it is that's wearing me but they're taking my personality to extremes. I'm a pretty big fan of getting naked - especially with Elena - but I'd never dare to do anything about it in school. I couldn't risk getting caught because my parents would be pissed. Whoever's pretending to be me though clearly doesn't have any worries about that though. He's even being a creep around Elena's mother!

Maybe this will wear off and I'll become myself again. I've got to hope it will anyway. I don't want to spend the rest of my life as a body suit!


Tricking my wife and step-daughter into believing that I was going on a business trip was surprisingly easy. There was no way I was going to tell them of my true intentions because I knew they'd think I was disturbed. You see, I've had a crush on my step-daughter ever since I met her a year ago and I simply couldn't hold myself back anymore now that she's legal.

Turning her boyfriend into a permanent body suit was an easy decision to make and I don't regret it at all. Being Cameron is a rush the likes of which I can't ever remember experiencing. Elena loves it too, all but eating out of the palm of my hand. I wonder if I could get her to start calling me "daddy" if I asked nicely enough - maybe after eating her out in the hotel room I've booked with Cameron's limitless credit card.

Something tells me that this prom night's going to be a hell of a lot more exciting than my own ever was!


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