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Dane Alversson had his whole life set up. Thanks to the colossal business empire his father was the CEO of, the only Alversson son had never known a day of poverty in his life. He was raised to believe he was the absolute best that his generation could offer and he never encountered anything that would challenge that viewpoint. 

There were certainly people out there who saw him as nothing more than an arrogant trust fund brat but Dane hardly had the time to listen to those people - who, in his opinion, were clearly just jealous of the luxuries afforded to him. He was too busy hosting amazing parties and taking trips on his yacht out in Dubai whenever he felt like it. His life was as sweet as could possibly be and he wasn’t going to let a little bit of criticism from the jealous peasants who were fortunate enough to cross his path bother him.

Unfortunately for Dane there was somebody much closer to home who was bothered by his attitude - his family butler, Bronson. The elderly man had been hired by his father some thirty years before and had served him ever since, even while the patriarch was hardly home and the huge family manor house all but belonged to Dane. Bronson found his employee’s son to be rather unbearable with his foul language and his obnoxious attitude, particularly when he was acting like the butler was a lesser being simply because he didn’t have as much money as the Alversson family.

Things finally got too much to endure for Bronson when during yet another unsanctioned house party being thrown by Dane, the playboy millionaire and his friends locked Bronson in the cellar overnight and then forced him to clear up all of their mess without assistance the next morning. Rather than complain to his employer as might have been the normal reaction to such heinous treatment, Bronson decided to get a little payback of his own against the brat.

There were three things Dane loved above all else - money, girls and himself. It was those three things Bronson would target in order to get his revenge and it didn’t take him long to put the plan into motion and begin the troublesome man’s ultimate downfall.

Before he had decided to retire and work as a butler, Bronson had been a rather well-traveled man and had made a lot of contacts all across the globe who were happy to help him once he described his plight to them. They were all familiar with men like Dane and were happy to help him achieve his revenge by robbing the young man of everything he loved so dearly. Bronson was hardly experienced in the realm of magic but he was willing to learn if it would give him what he wanted and thankfully he had a number of good tutors teaching him how to correctly perform the three spells he would need.

The first of the spells was the easiest to perform - namely reversing Dane’s sexual desires so he found the thought of sleeping with a woman repulsive while he could only get turned on by the thought of being fucked by other men. Dane had hardly kept it a secret that he thought all gay men were abominations and as a proud gay man himself Bronson had always taken offense to this.

Although performing the spell required a number of things, the highlight for Bronson was definitely how he sealed the spell - releasing a load of his own cum against the young man’s lips while he slept. He watched with malicious joy as the boy swallowed, unaware of what he had brought upon himself.

The changes were almost immediate. Dane hosted yet another house party just a few days later and although the women flocked to him as per usual, Dane was quick to dismiss them in favor of male company. The men gathered there were certainly surprised by their host’s sudden attention and although some were disgusted, others were definitely willing to follow things through and take the Alversson heir to bed and treat him like the whore he was pleading them to make him.

Several days later Bronson felt ready to initiate the next spell and trigger the next part of Dane’s transformation. This time the changes would be far more physical as he lost the fit and trim body he was so proud of. Dane knew he was handsome and he used it to his advantage at any given opportunity. Thankfully that wouldn’t be possible for much longer as Bronson began the necessary steps as instructed to him.

Throughout the next night Dane found himself tossing and turning in his sleep, totally unaware of the effects that the spell was currently having on his body. His feet grew from a size nine to a size twelve while the length of his body seemed to stretch until he could easily stand at an impressive six-foot-two. Once he had settled at his new height, his weight began to increase rather dramatically, almost immediately ruining the lean muscles Dane prized himself on. His belly expanded into a beer gut while hair began to sprout across his chest, heading up across his shoulders and down his back. His thighs thickened with fat rather than muscle and his slender fingers became thick sausage-like digits.

Bronson continued to watch in curiosity as his well-groomed stubble began to grow into something far denser and more surprisingly grey in color. Dane’s hairline receded and the graying hair thinned rather dramatically until it matched Bronson’s own. Lines of age began to develop on Dane’s face, placing him far beyond his twenty-four years. Once the physical transformation settled there was no way anybody would believe he was anything under sixty.

Unsurprisingly Dane remained locked in his room for the next few days, refusing to see anyone and sounding decidedly old whenever he barked orders through the closed door to Bronson. The butler only put up with it began he knew it was only a matter of time before his revenge was complete and Dane would never be able to order anyone around again.

The third spell would be the hardest and most taxing to perform but thankfully Bronson felt so ready to complete the changes that it was only a few more days until he was able to begin casting it. This spell would do far more than switch Dane’s sexuality or transform his body - instead it would alter reality itself, giving the smug young millionaire a whole new identity that would cut him off from his family fortune for good.

Bronson had taken some time to consider exactly how he wanted to alter reality and the type of person he wanted Dane to become. As much as he was tempted to make the formerly young man a down-on-his-luck bum, he also wanted the privilege of seeing the results of his revenge every day and so he decided to make Dane a member of the Alversson family staff, namely their gardener who was frequently lambasted by Mrs Alversson for his laziness.

In this new reality that was no heir to the Alversson fortune. Instead the family were happy to pay those hard-working employees (that embarrassment of a gardener not included, of course) a lot more fairly which in turn meant that Bronson was able to live a more comfortable life. The fact he was no longer having to clear up after destructive house parties was certainly a bonus too.

As for Daniel Alexander, the Alversson family gardener, he continued to lead a miserable life in the small wooden cottage at the very edge of the family estate. He hated his work, hated the people he worked for and most of all hated all of his colleagues that got paid better than him. His only joy was found in spying on the handsome young men who lived in the next manor over and frequently played tennis without their shirts on. Daniel stroked his cock, lamenting the days when he could get hard and was actually appealing to other men. 

At least he still had those happy dreams where he was the Alversson family’s son. He just wished that those dreams were a reality instead…


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