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I thought Sasha would break up with me when she found out that I was cheating on her with some of the girls I work with but the reality was so much worse. She wanted to punish me by taking away the things I loved most: namely my body and my car. 

I still don't know how she did it, probably some kind of black magic, but I woke up the day after she'd found out my secret to find myself in her feminine body while she was busy flexing in front of the mirror. She seemed more than happy to display my masculine body with pride while I struggled to get over my shock. "Get up, get dressed. You're going to be late for work," she grunted, throwing a bra at me. Feeling ashamed and scared, I did as I was told and ended up going to work in her beauty salon while she enjoyed herself in my body all day. All her colleagues were looking at me weirdly and asking if there was something wrong but I couldn't tell them because I knew they'd never believe me! 

That night I got down onto my hands and knees and begged Sasha to reverse whatever she'd done to us. I promised to be a better boyfriend and that I'd never hurt her again but she just laughed at me. "Blow me and I'll think about it," she told me as she showed off the bulge in her pants. After a few moments of hesitation I decided that it was more than worth getting my body back so I lowered my lips onto the shaft and did my best to emulate the way she'd always moved whenever she sucked me off. It was surprisingly difficult and humiliating but eventually she climaxed, holding onto my long hair and forcing me to swallow her load. There was no immediate reversal like I hoped. Instead she just pushed me off of her and told me to go make dinner. When I stammered that I didn't know how to cook she just laughed at me and told me that she could fix that. For a brief moment her eyes flashed red and I barely had time to yell in surprise before my head suddenly began to ache with a dull pain. Memories of my mother teaching me how to cook and bake came to the forefront of my mind, causing me to pause in confusion. It took me a moment to realize that it wasn't even my own mother, it was hers - these were her memories! She just smirked, slapped my ass and demanded that I cook her a steak. I shuffled off without any further protest, worrying that I would just provoke her to take more from me if I argued back. 

The next morning she offered to drive me to work and I frowned. "You don't know how to drive," I pointed out meekly, causing another broad smile to cross over her masculine face. "No, you don't know how to drive," she countered. It was true. Suddenly I couldn't remember learning to drive at all and in fact the thought of driving made me feel terrified. That couldn't be right though, my car was my baby! Why would I buy a car if I couldn't drive? She had to have taken those memories from me when she gave me some of hers. Rather than arguing back I just nodded and climbed into the passenger seat as she fired up the engine and took off at great speed. 

Before she let me out of the car she grabbed me by the hand and I felt my heart drop as her eyes flashed again. My mind was overcome by memories of her doing her job and meeting her colleagues. I was thankful that I wouldn't struggle like I had the day before but I knew that she'd also taken some of my own memories, I just didn't know which. "I'm going to the gym after work," she declared, confirming that she'd taken all my memories of working out, "Make sure dinner's on the table by time I get home, okay?" I barely had time to nod before she forced a kiss on my lips and then all but pushed me out of the door. 

When I got home from work that afternoon I found myself settling quite comfortably into the kitchen as I began preparing our dinner for that night. It took me a few moments to realize just how calming it felt to be cooking. Hadn't the gym always been my place to clear my mind and chill out? No, that seemed ridiculous. The gym seemed like hard work but cooking? That came so much easier! I had no idea why my boyfriend had never learned to cook, it was an essential skill! It never even occurred to me that I'd just thought of Sasha as my boyfriend. 

There was still a thin layer of sweat and a quite obvious bulge in Sasha's pants when she returned from the gym that evening. I barely had time to offer a polite greeting before her hands were all over me, pinning me to the wall as she kissed at the tender skin of my neck. I was gasping and groaning in seconds, unable to control myself around her. She carried me to the bed in an arousing display of her strength and had her way with me, thrusting deep inside me as I begged for more. The moment she hit her climax and filled me up with her load, her eyes flashed red again and I found myself daydreaming of my time as a cheerleader back in high school. I'd even been voted Prom Queen! A small voice in the back of my brain told me that it wasn't true at all, that I'd been the captain of the football team and had won Prom King not Queen but that just seemed silly. Why would I win Prom King when I was a girl? That was ridiculous. 

I found myself gossiping with the girls at work the next day like it was the most natural thing in the world. I gasped as Julia announced her brother had come out as gay and giggled when Alison confessed that she was cheating on her ever-absent husband with the hunky mechanic next door. Not once throughout the day did I stop the think about the fact that I wasn't in my own body, that I was living Sasha's life. It was only when Sasha turned up at the end of the day, striding into the beauty parlor as if she owned the place, that I remembered how I'd ended up in this body in the first place. Strangely though I wasn't bothered by that, I was too busy being concerned by the flirty looks my boyfriend was giving Julia and Alison! They were loving it too, clearly in awe of such a confident man who wasn't afraid to flex and show off when he knew he had an adoring crowd to shower his ego with praise. 

"Come on, babe. I'll drive you home," my boyfriend declared, wrapping his arm around my slender waist and leading me towards the door. I waved my goodbyes to my colleagues and allowed myself to be led to that hideous car he insisted on driving. I thought it was ugly but he always rattled on about how powerful it was and how it was his prized possession - after me, of course. The moment we were alone in the car, his eyes flashed red one final time and I was suddenly thrown back to our first meeting. I remembered being at the Halloween party my sorority were throwing when a bunch of meathead frat boys crashed the party with their loud obnoxious voices and their mostly uncovered bodies. None of us girls were complaining and I certainly wasn't when I first laid eyes on Rex. God, he was such a man. We were up in my room fucking for the rest of the night barely ten minutes after he arrived! 

Looking at Rex now, a few years older but bigger and stronger than ever, I couldn't help but feel like I was the luckiest girl in the world. I just knew that he was going to propose any day soon - we were soulmates and belonged together! I couldn't bare the thought of ever loving anyone else when he was my whole world. "How about you help me out, Sasha?" he suggested, his voice so deep and manly that it sent shivers down my spine. I watched as he unzipped his pants to reveal his erection and just smirked as he lowered my head until my lips wrapped around his cock. I've never been able to keep my hands off of him but hey, can you really blame a girl when her man looks this good? He's all I've ever wanted from my life and I'm lucky to have him! 



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