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I knew there was something weird about this mirror when I discovered it in the attic of my late grandmother’s house but for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to throw it out. No, instead I ended up propping it up against some boxes in the bedroom of my new apartment even though it really doesn’t go with the design I was aiming for. There was just something about it that transfixed me and I didn’t want to get rid of it. I felt like it was important that I keep it, that it was what my grandmother would want of me.

Over the next few days I found myself growing strangely attached to the mirror. Whenever I was in my bedroom I’d find myself looking in it, posing and showing off like I’d never done before. I wasn’t sure why, there was just something about the mirror that made me want to display everything, as if there was somebody monitoring me and I was desperately trying to get their approval for some reason. A shiver ran down my back as I considered it but it was nothing more than a foolish thought. How could somebody be watching me through a mirror?

Late at night when I was tossing and turning in bed I swore that I could hear the mirror talking to me, calling for me to come and pose in front of it again. Ever since being a kid I’d had sleep deprivation issues though and I dismissed it as just my brain being overactive but after several nights of whispering I found myself giving in and moving so I could sit directly in front of my reflection. There was something so fascinating about staring into this particular looking glass, as if the person I saw reflected back at me wasn’t even really me.

In the nights that followed I found myself compulsively talking to my reflection, telling the mirror my life story including all the break-ups I’d been through and my hopes for the future. I didn’t know why I was doing it, I just couldn’t stop myself. Things got even weirder after that when I started to strip naked in front of my own reflection and jerk off. It was like I wasn’t in control of my body and being spurred on by something supernatural as I covered the reflective glass in my load. It became something of a ritual for me, every night telling the mirror more about my life and my desires before stroking my cock to orgasm and covering the reflection with my cum.

After a week or so of this happening I felt a sudden desire to kiss my reflection. It made perfect sense to me - I was a handsome guy and clearly into myself so why wouldn’t I? Except the moment I pressed my lips against the glass, I felt something push against them and suddenly my body was being invaded by another man’s spirit. The invading spirit pushed throughout my body, spreading itself out comfortably and easily silencing my own mind. I felt so weak that I could hardly fight back against the onslaught and within seconds I had relinquished all control of my own body.

Once the mystery invader was in full control of my body I finally got the answers that explained my own strange actions over the past few weeks. Sixty years ago my grandmother (who I was surprised to discover had been a witch) had cursed Tony, her first husband (a warlock himself), to spend eternity inside the mirror unless he was kissed. One of his dangerous spells had resulted in the rapid aging of my grandmother’s best friend and it couldn’t be fixed which had led to the ultimate end of her first marriage and how a magical presence came to be trapped within the mirror. It was Tony’s magic that called out to me once the mirror was in my room and subtly convinced me to give up my own body to him.

“It’s a brave new world out there, kiddo,” he growled, smirking into the mirror. “Especially now that Belinda’s gone. What a bitch she was. I’m certainly not going to miss her!” Hearing Tony talk about my grandmother like that should have made me angry but my emotions were so secondary to his that I didn’t feel anything other than arousal at another man wearing my skin. “It’s about time I got out there and experienced it, don’t you think?” I was helpless to do anything other than agree. I wasn’t even sure if he could even hear my voice in the back of his mind.

“Thanks for the ride, kid. I’m sure we’re going to have a lot of fun together…”


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