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You know, all this time I thought that Billy Doppler had given himself the somewhat generous nickname of "Big Cock Billy" to try and inflate his ego a little more. He was already arrogant enough and it felt entirely possible that he was hiding his insecurities over a baby cock by claiming to be rocking a nine-inch rod that would put most of us other guys at our college to shame. 

At a modest six-inches I had certainly contemplated what it would be like to have a bigger cock but I'd never thought that Billy was speaking the truth. Everybody knew that Billy liked to act like he was god's gift to mankind and gloating about a big cock while only being average or smaller seemed entirely likely given his usual behavior.

Even though some of the sorority girls who were 'lucky' enough to get some alone time in the bedroom with him had confirmed that he was definitely well-endowed, myself and several other people on campus were still dubious. Perhaps we just wanted there to be something lacking for Billy considering he was already handsome, had broad shoulders and big muscles. He was making the rest of us look bad and he didn't seem to have any kind of downfall.

Possessing him happened entirely by accident. I had been invited by one of my friends to the biggest sorority party of the year and of course Billy's fraternity were going to be there too. I didn't have much conversation with them considering I was a much less obnoxious kind of guy but eventually I find myself being roped into a game of 'seven minutes in heaven' which involved him. My friend warned me that the girl running the game was into the occult and there would probably be some weird results but I'd had a couple of beers and didn't think anything much of it until Billy and I were the (un)lucky pair to be forced into the closet together first.

The moment the door was closed behind us, my body all but gave out and I felt myself collapse against the mountain of muscles and mass that was Billy. He grunted in surprise before letting out a gasp I could only describe as sexual. I wanted to call him out for it, my drunken haze even encouraging me to be cocky and tease him, but I suddenly found myself unable to do anything more than pant. I had the strangest feeling across the front of my body, like I was being pulled into Billy but that wasn't possible - was it?

A hand grabbed at my cock and I moaned only to be surprised at how deep and unfamiliar my voice sounded. The hand started to stroke my length an I realized with some embarrassment that it was my hand. Why hadn't that been obvious to me before? In fact, my cock seemed to be a lot bigger than I used to and that was my first sign that maybe I should have heeded my friend's warning.

Some six minutes later Billy was the only one to step out of the closet which seemed to take most of his fraternity brothers by surprise but the sorority girls all seemed to understand what had happened. I was inside of Billy's body and totally in control although I had some limited access to his memories, thoughts and emotions too. Considering I was still in a relatively drunken state though, I was hardly making much sense when I tried to explain to his bros what had happened to us.

It's the day after the party now and much to my surprise I'm still in the driver's seat of Billy's body. I thought I would have been forced out of him by no but apparently not which means I've got every opportunity to play around with his muscular boy and enjoy the nine-inch cock that he was telling the truth about all along. I mean just look at it in these short-shorts I wore to the gym this morning, it's obscene! No wonder people can't stop staring at me.

I have no idea how Billy deals with it all the time but considering how much fun I've had playing with it since our closet encounter the night before I'm really not complaining. Perhaps this magic will wear off in the next day or so but for now I'm going to enjoy being Big Cock Billy and reminding everybody exactly who I am and how much of my manhood I have to be proud of!


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