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Wolf's Dungeon By Eluku


Play as Nona - an innocent wolf girl captured by an Orc . Break out from prison, solve puzzles, fight monsters, and endure a very excruciating journey.



Boy oh boy, was it incredibly difficult to even find a decent image that could capture this magnificent title without going too far? yes.

But is the game so good that I have to make sure it'll come to your attention? absolutely.

First of all I'd like to thank a long-time sub here - a cool and pretty chill person that I'll respect his privacy, but he knows who he is, for suggesting me to check this one out.

I've heard and seen a few bits of Wolf's Dungeon before, but the content is so extreme that I can understand why there wasn't much of it scattered online.

I'll start with the basics:
You control Nona the wolf girl, with a simple task to escape prison by performing different types of attacks and special moves.

It starts off a bit sluggish until you get the hang of it, but believe it or not, this game manages to capture a little bit of the that Dark Souls satisfaction with simple mechanics that must be executed well to not get instantly punished.

There is a bit going for the menu as well, with a level up system after gaining exp from enemies, and a pachinko mini-game to boost your stats further. You can also gather food to satiate your hunger through the inventory.

Every single enemy has its own unique moveset, grabs, special H animations, game over screens, you name it. And while there is a gallery mode in the game, there's plenty of content that it doesn't cover such as special cut-scenes or unique interactions.
Gallery mode is also all with a black background, which honestly takes away some of the experience.

Now to the juicy part....
Look, this game is the hardcore of the hardcore: The magnum opus of a person without filters. I would describe what to expect, but I honestly prefer that you'd go check it out yourself.
Even with the fetish parts that I had no interest at, and even with how far some of those animations went, I just couldn't put the game down.

It kept sucking me in for the better or worse of my curiosity to what will happen next?
What kind of god forsaken abomination will mess me up next? how will the story develop? will Nona finally find herself peace somewhere?

Yes, these are unsolved questions, as the game is still in development.
It has actually been in development for a long time, and after the latest suggestion to check it out again, I decided it has plenty of content to finally give it the highlight it deserves.

This one is for the pantheon of remarkable H games.
Not just for how unique it is, but also because of its developer that treats this game as a pure passion project for the great price of free. (password: eluku)

Less about the free, more about how when you create a project out of pure love for what you do, it really shows its own identity among the sea of games out there.

They also have their own website, but it's all in japanese. Feel free to use a translator if you wish, so you can keep up with new updates. (Latest updated dropped just 2 days ago!)

It's not a perfect game, but it has so much passion, unfiltered content, and dark humor, that at least in my book it's a straight 10/10.

❤️ For relevant H content of this title you may contact me in DM for referrals.



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