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DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation, hypermessing, sissification, mental regression, and other ABDL themes.  I hope you enjoy!


Alright! Places everyone! We are back in 60 seconds!” shouted the production manager, his voice bombing out across the entire studio for all to hear. Quickly, Cassi and the three contestants made their way back onto the sound stage.

Plopping herself down in between her two male competitors, Kyoko tried to relax a bit, knowing there’d be another two rounds before she’d have to be up again. Unfortunately, relaxing was easier said than done. After her turn on the Potty of Pail, she could barely keep herself upright without slumping over, not to mention the castor oil that weighed down her tummy like a rock. Still, while her first challenge had been bad, it was one of the worst ones that DiapOut had to offer. If she could handle that, she could handle anything.

Meanwhile, Cade and Zeke were having polar opposite reactions to their upcoming rounds. For Cade, he was spending all of his time contemplating the best way to shoehorn in mentioning his start-up business whenever he could, zoned out in a state of a distant thought. From an outsider's perspective, he looked incredibly focused.

Zeke, on the other hand, looked as though he were about to pass out. Tapping his foot on the floor at a rapid pace, it was beyond obvious how anxious he was, made all the worse by having to wait out an entire commercial break

“Don’t let me down, Keke, or else!” yelled Kelly from the audience, leading to a chorus of cheers from the crowd before everyone was shushed by the production manager.

“We’re live in five! Four! Three!” said the exhausted production manager before going silent as he counted down the last two seconds with his fingers. The camera light turned on.

Standing on her mark, Cassi’s face brightened into an overly cheery smile as she sped through her reintroduction, “Welcome back to DiapOut! I’m your lovable host, CassiRoll! We’re getting right back into the game with our next contestant, Zeke! Come on over here!” She playfully waved to the nervously shaky boy, who was promptly shoved into frame by an annoyed crew hand. “Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but did we hear someone in the audience call you Keke?” The devious smile on her face made it obvious that she already knew the answer.

“Y-Yes, that was my sister,” said Zeke, blushing bright pink as his eyes met Kelly’s in the stands, “It’s…just a nickname.”

Cassi giggled, shaking her head in mocking disapproval. “Just a nickname, huh?” she asked with a boatload of sarcasm layered on, “Why don’t we go ahead and ask for ourselves. Kelly? Is Keke REALLY just a nickname?”

Zeke gasped delicately as a spotlight shined down on Kelly with a nearby camera pointed directly at her. Having a mic already prepped in her hands, she spoke clearly and concisely, “My blushy baby brother, Zeke, loves to dress up as his femmy alter ego, Keke, whenever he can. It’s become so common in our household that even my mom calls him Keke now!” The audience and Cassi applauded her as she took a small bow before the focus returned to Zeke, who looked to be near tears.

“You have such a loving big sis, Zeke!” said Cassi, placing her hands around both of Zeke’s shoulders and giving him a small squeeze, causing him to yip slightly, “Is it alright if I call you Keke too?”

Zeke turned to Cassi, ready to scream “No way!” as loudly as he could at her. It was bad enough when his family called him that in private. For the whole world to find out was mortifying, so the less that “Keke” was repeated, the better. However, as he was about to answer, he looked over at Kelly, who was wearing a withering scowl. Not wanting to endure another of Kelly’s “fun-ishments”, he swallowed his pride and answered with a meek, “I-If you want to, I don’t mind.”

Cassi clapped her hands together, thrilled to have another sissy caught between her claws. Ratings always ate these little bundles of joy right up, so her producers always did their best to scout them out. And judging by how subby Zeke was already acting, she knew they’d hit the jackpot. “Well then, Keke, let’s get you over to the Wheel of Diaper Destiny!” she shouted, walking Zeke over to the big wheel as the cameras shuffled about and the audience clapped along to fill the silence.

Reaching down and grabbing the wheel, Zeke spent little time winding up, wanting to get his turn over with as soon as possible. As the wheel spun, he prayed to the heavens above that he avoid any and all sissy challenges, which he knew the board was chock-full of. When the wheel finally slowed to a stop, he breathed a sigh of relief as Cassi revealed the wedge to be one of the VS tiles.

“Oh boy! Looks like it's time to see two of our babies go head to head!” said Cassi before a short video package took over for her. “Versus Challenges will pit two contestants against each other in competition. The winner is allowed to force the losing player to play their next turn for them. Failure to complete your challenge, even after losing to an opponent, will result in immediate elimination.”
Ready with Zeke at her side in center frame, Cassi patiently waited for the package to end. While on the outside, she maintained her delightful sunny disposition, internally, she was maniacally giggling. Known by only herself and the lead producers on the show, there was a foot switch tucked away on the floor by the wheel that could allow someone to slow down and stop the wheel. This would teach that little smartass, Kyoko, a lesson. Any wise contestant would no doubt pick on the person who was already out of sorts, in order to guarantee victory.

Okay, Zeke, since you spun the wheel, you get to choose which contestant you face off against! Will you choose the untested Cade or the dizzy Kyoko?”

Turning to see both Kyoko and Cade, Zeke was starting to resent the challenge he was stuck with. It was the first round and he was going to have to make an enemy from the get-go. Deep down, he knew the best choice to make was Kyoko as she was still recovering from the Potty of Pain. However, she seemed more vicious than Cade, who hadn’t had a turn yet. It was simple reasoning, but it was the best he could do to not rock the boat. “I pick Cade,” he said as confidently as he could.

Cassi’s face went from a smile to a confused frown for less than a second. It wasn’t easy to spot, but an eagle eye view could pause and catch it. She was a professional, though, and quickly regained her composure, despite the fact that she wanted to strangle this little weasel. “Oh, wow. You must really want to prove yourself!” she said in as chipper a voice as possible, “Alright Cade, looks like you’re getting an early introduction!”

The crowd applauded once more as Cade joined Cassi and Zeke on camera, shaking hands with Zeke and making sure that his arm tattoo of his company’s logo, Stoner Baby Bliss, was clear for all to see. Just because Cassi shut him down earlier before he could get his whole spiel out didn’t mean that he wasn’t prepared with a few other tricks up his sleeve.

Sadly, this was the most that Cade could do for the moment, as both he and Zeke were quickly whisked away to a small side-set with a big, cartoonish “VS” mounted up high. In the middle of the set was a silk sheet covering up whatever the challenge would be.

“I hope you’re ready, boys,” said Cassi as she grabbed onto the sheet and pulled it off, revealing an upside-down container of liquid connected to a central tube, which split off into another perpendicular tube with two opposing mouth holes on each end. The whole thing reminded Zeke of some sort of Saw trap, contrasting how excited Cassi was, “Our Fungineers are always coming up with the most insane Versus Challenges imaginable! This challenge is called the Poop Shooter! Water mixed with some of the strongest laxatives on the market will trickle down the middle tube, while our two contestants attempt to tilt the lower tube up and down. Who will win and who will get a belly full of laxatives and another turn at the Wheel of Diaper Destiny?! Let’s find out!”

Amid Cassi’s explanation, a team of crewmembers got Zeke and Cade strapped into squatting positions with their mouths held firmly on their ends of the tube. The tube didn’t tilt very much, so it was likely they’d both end up drinking their fair share. Both players knew that leaving this game with a clean diaper was unheard of, so the laxatives weren’t a big deal. The extra turn, on the other hand, was a game-changer. They stared hard into each other’s eyes, ready for the game to begin.

“Will my lovely studio audience help me count down?”


The valve opened and laxative-laced water quickly began to flow into the tubes. Having been forced to do squats for his “sissy training”, Zeke instantly put his newly acquired thigh muscles to good use, muscling the tube up and forcing the vast majority of the liquid down Cade’s side of the tube.

Cade’s eyes widened in shock. From appearance alone, he thought his body mass would give him a clear advantage over a skinny twig such as Zeke, but his opponent was tougher than he looked. As the liquid pushed its way into his open mouth, he had no choice but to swallow to keep from choking.

Twenty seconds in and Zeke felt like he had this in the bag. Pushing up against the tube with all his might, he only needed to hold it for another thirty seconds or so to win. He smiled and hummed happily to himself. A costly mistake.

Waiting for his moment to strike, Cade was a patient person. Keeping his eyes on the container of liquid, he waited until the laxatives were just above the halfway mark to make his move. Shoving his head up with everything he had, he forced his end of the tube upward.

The move was enough to rattle Zeke’s jaw a bit as his end was pushed downward, only to taste his first bit of laxatives, instantly recognizing its sour flavor as watered-down magnesium citrate. He hated that his sister had force-fed him enough of the stuff that the taste was engraved on his tongue, but that was the least of his worries right now. Having put all of his strength into the first third of the challenge, he was considerably weaker than when he’d started. Not only that, but Cade's jump at the tube had hurt his jaw slightly, making it sore and hard to push up with. Whimpering in despair, he had no choice but to take on the rest of the laxatives as he lost to Cade handily.

“And we have a come-from-behind winner!” cheered Cassi, raising Cade’s hand like a victorious boxer as he was unhooked from the tube, “Looks like Keke made the wrong choice taking you on.”

Leaning into Cassi’s mic, Cade said, “That’s right. And it’s all thanks to Stoner Ba-”
“Hold that thought for me, Cade,” said Cassi, cutting Cade off for the second time, “It’s time for a short break! Don’t change that channel! When we come back, our aDORKably shy Keke will have a second turn at the wheel! You’re watching…”


As the feed cut to black, Zeke stumbled backward, gasping for air after chugging so much liquid. He winced, dreading the fact that his second turn was up next. Turning towards the audience, his heart sank as he watched Kelly shaking her head, scowling in disapproval. If he didn’t perform well in the next challenge, he was screwed.



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