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DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, domination, age regression, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!


PrincessCB: So she didn’t believe you?

BabyJane: Of course not!

PrincessCB: 😂😂😂😂😂

BabyJane: Oh shush! How’s that sore butt treating ya after Master’s punishment, huh? 😝

PrincessCB: I-It’s fine >////////////<

BabyJane: Hehehe!

Monday morning had come once more, this time quite literally for Jane. And yet, despite no longer being under the terrifying influence of the magic ring, her life was still insanely hectic. After her brush with danger had left her fully incontinent, no amount of explanation would ever be enough for Sarah, who assumed she was nothing more than a bratty Little who refused to use the potty anymore. As such, the toilet was now completely off-limits, not that she’d make it anyway, but she wasn’t even allowed to change herself either. Now plastic panties were a daily part of her wardrobe to help prevent the smell from traveling around. It was absolutely humiliating.

So, after a weekend of Sarah refusing to believe anything she said, Jane couldn’t have been happier to be back at work where she could at least pretend she was still an adult in some way. As she sat at her desk messaging Crissie, however, she couldn’t help but feel the call to Little Space pulling her in like gravity. It was as if having a grand adventure had completely zapped her attention span, something that wasn’t aided by the number of no-shows she had today.

Shifting in her seat, Jane felt her mushy, sopping diaper squish beneath her butt, reminding her that she’d barely lasted an hour at work before soiling herself completely. Thankfully, no one was in her office at the time to hear the monstrous fart that accompanied her accident, but she couldn’t be certain that would always be the case. Starting tonight, she was going to begin re-potty training herself, no doubt in her mind.

PrincessCB: Btw, Master mentioned that you’re more than welcome to come and play with me in my nursery anytime you want to! If you want to, that is 👉👈

Jane’s eyes perked up as she saw the message from Crissie, elated to hear that she’d left a good impression on the most powerful being in the timeline. Still, part of her knew that as kind as Master was being, there was likely some sort of angle behind this. Not to mention, she hadn’t fully forgiven Crissie yet for all of her shenanigans. Flexing her fingers, she whipped up a cheeky response.

BabyJane: So long as you don’t rewrite my life again, it’s a deal

PrincessCB: XD Deal!


“Hello, Jane? Do you have a minute?”

Recognizing Rebecca’s voice, Jane’s smile instantly evaporated as she abruptly moved to close out of her tabs and stash away anything even remotely ABDL. “Come on in, Rebecca,” she said, her voice cracking slightly at the end.

Entering the room, Rebecca plopped herself down at the seat across the desk from Jane and rested her head down. “Ugh, are you as bored as I am?” she said, letting Jane relax thanks to the casualness of the conversation, “Seriously, my clients keep canceling today, it’s ridiculous.”
“Saaaaame,” said Jane, jokingly slumping down in her seat and trying to ignore the mass in her diaper shifting around, “It’s so weird, both my first two clients called out. What are the odds we’d both…” Suddenly, she cut herself off, recognizing this situation as the obvious red flag that it was. The odds that both she and Rebecca would have nothing but no-shows all day were incredibly low, not to mention that in the previous version of the timeline, her clients had all shown up, at least until Rebecca had manipulated her schedule.

That’s when Jane noticed her computer starting to freeze up and glitch out, causing her heart to drop. What on Earth could be happening this time. Looking over at Rebecca, she was relieved that she still had her head against the desk and had noticed her strong reaction. Subduing her emotion, she watched as her screen continued to glitch until a message formed in the middle that read, “Hello Jane. You can relax. It’s Master.”

Calming down a bit, Jane let herself ease back in her chair slightly. Soon, the message began to shift, writing something new, “I wanted to leave you a parting gift as thanks for all of your help. I bet you had no idea the pieces were already in place. All it took was a little nudge. Have a fun life, Baby Jane.” Confused, she wanted to respond for more context, but the message faded soon after she finished reading it, returning her computer screen back to normal.

“Hey, Jane,” said Rebecca, picking her head up from the desk with a knowing expression, “Can I ask you about something?”

Deep in the pit of Jane’s stomach, she had a bad feeling about what Rebecca wanted to know. Maybe she was just being paranoid, but something felt off to her, and Rebecca was involved somehow. Still, it’s not like she could call her out for nothing. “Um…sure,” she said hesitantly.

Reaching into her pocket, Rebecca produced a folded-up tissue with a small, yellow stain in its center. “You see, after we met in my office last Friday, I found a small puddle in your seat,” she said, staring down at Jane intensely, “Are you having any incontinence issues? It’s okay if you are. You can trust me.”

Instinctually, Jane looked down at her hand, expecting to see the silver ring staring back at her with how this conversation was playing out. Her relief at seeing only her wedding ring was unfortunately minor compared to the immense embarrassment she was enduring at the hands of her co-worker. Her nerves caused her to shift in her seat, reminding her that she was, in fact, very incontinent. She couldn’t just tell that to Rebecca, though! Averting her gaze, she came up with the best excuse she could think up, “Oh… hehe, that? I-It was just one of those lemonade water flavor thingies. It broke open in my purse and stained the whole thing. Sorry about that.”

“A water flavor thingy, huh?” said Rebecca, her voice and posture becoming incredibly coy. She smirked as she pulled out her phone and began to type something that Jane couldn’t see. “That’s exactly the kind of excuse I thought you might come up with.”

It was as if all the blood flowing through Jane’s body froze at once. She was even impressed with her own, off-the-cuff excuse. Attempting to regain her composure, she readied herself to double down on her lie. But as she opened her mouth to speak…


“Ah, right on time,” said Rebecca, sliding her phone into her pocket as she stood up and walked towards the door, leaving Jane to wonder what grand scheme she had planned. As the door opened, she was shocked to find Laura was escorting none other than her own wife into the office.

With her head down, Laura felt slightly intimidated to be caught in between the tall dom sandwich of Sarah and Rebecca. “I-I s-suppose I should…get back to my uh…desk,” she stuttered, holding an awkward thumbs up before quietly easing the door closed behind her.

“Sarah, what’s going on?” asked Jane, who was feeling more and more Little with each passing second. It was bad enough to have Rebecca picking at her brain, now Sarah was here to push her buttons further. She felt her stomach lurch slightly due to her rising anxiety.

Walking around the desk and placing her arms around Jane from behind, Sarah chuckled, “Is that any way to treat your wife when she pays you a visit on her lunch break?” She leaned down and planted a kiss on Jane’s head. “Besides, after what Rebecca has told me, I couldn’t just leave you to leak all over the place.

This was a code red emergency. All of a sudden, Rebecca's slight odd behavior made a lot more sense. This wasn’t by chance, this was an ambush. She turned back to Sarah, hoping to halt this humiliation in its tracks, or at the very least to help her get Rebecca out of the room before she said too much. However, both options were made impossible, as Sarah was armed and ready with a pacifier that she plopped right into Jane’s open mouth.

“You look flustered, baby girl,” said Sarah, booping Jane on the nose with her finger, “I assure you, you’re amongst friends here. After your favorite, Miwth Webecca, cleaned up your little mess from Friday that you neglected to tell me about, she decided to give you a call to check in on you in case you were sick or something. Luckily for everyone, my little bed bug left her phone in the living room when she was taking a nap.”

Rebecca leaned herself forward, resting her forearms on the desk and getting her face closer to  Jane. “That’s why I found out about your fetish. After confirming you weren’t sick, I figured it was either some sort of kink or you had medical incontinence. To give your wife a pass, I did guess it before she told me,” she said, enjoying the petrified, blushy expression that Jane was wearing, “And I couldn’t wait until Monday morning when Sarah said she’d be more than happy to give me a demonstration.”

“W-Whaa?” was all Jane could mutter out as she looked back at Sarah just in time for her to lift her out of the chair and into her arms. This allowed Rebecca to get her first look at Jane’s diaper. Everything was happening so fast and yet, it also was as if it was happening in slow motion. She reached her arms around Sarah as much as she could, finding comfort in her embrace despite the situation she’d been thrust into. In the back of her mind, she thought back to Master’s message, realizing that this was the “little nudge” she must’ve been talking about.

Rebecca cleared off Jane’s desk, allowing Sarah to lay Jane across it. Placing a hand on the underside of Jane’s diaper, she shook her head playfully. “Exactly what I thought. Even with the plastic pants, you clearly would’ve used this diaper beyond the point of leaking. Good thing Rebecca is here to keep an eye on you,” said Sarah, lifting up the skirt of her simple black work dress and hooking her fingers around the plastic panties, yanking them down and exposing the pungent aroma.

“Oh wow, she uses them for everything?” said Rebecca, giggling as she covered her nose. She didn’t know why, but as she watched Sarah undressing Jane in such an embarrassing position, she couldn’t help but feel herself growing hotter. As a middle-aged divorcee, her sex life had gone down the drain as soon as she ended her marriage of almost two decades. She’d always been a little bi-curious but was never able to pursue those desires thanks to meeting her ex. Seeing Sarah and Jane interacting this way had her thirsting for a similar relationship, one where she could take charge.

Jane hid behind her hands as she sucked hard at the paci in her mouth. Looking over at Rebecca and then back at Sarah, she couldn’t believe what was happening. Not even in her wildest fantasies did she ever think this would come true. Having both of them ogling her was almost too much for her to handle, but no matter how frightened she was, staring back into Sarah's beautiful eyes let her know that she’d always keep her safe.

The moment she finished wiping off Jane’s bottom, Sarah leaned across the table and kissed Jane passionately on the lips. As they parted, she held her face in close, blocking out the whole world around them. “That’s my good girl,” she said, smiling as Jane giggled like that happiest baby girl in the world.




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