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Heyyo! Thank you to everyone from the Interactive Story Club for helping to put together another amazing chapter. Make sure to vote in this week's poll and don’t forget to comment if you have any additional ideas for the next chapter! I hope you enjoy!

As the final chapter of this interactive series, I want to say thank you to all who participated in helping make this story as awesome as it turned out! I’m excited to see what our next story will bring! 💕


AllySmolShork: Sooooo…how long do you think they’re gonna keep domming Jassikins for?

toyclown: Maybe they’ll lock him up and keep him as their pet!

BlushyBen: If only we could all be so lucky lol

Punisher: I hope you enjoyed this brief intermission.

PrincessJessica: Oh dip! He’s back!

Punisher: Because it’s time for the grand finale!

The moment after Pete pressed send, he immediately switched the feed over to Deedee’s camera, giving the inhabitants of her premium chat the chance to see him in the flesh for the first time. “Hello, friends. Apologies for the delay, but it took a while to get everything set up,” he said, stepping to the side and allowing for the chat’s collective jaw to drop.

EORules97: WHOA! 😍

AllySmolShork: 🤭🤭🤭

Samantharebecca: So wait, was this actually all staged?! I’m so confused

BlushyBen: Who cares???? 🤤

Sitting in the center of the frame with her body bound by intertwining, red ropes and her loaded squishing noticeably in her seat was Deedee. Tied onto her leg was a Hitachi wand with the end jammed up against the front of her nappy just waiting to be turned on. In her mouth was a paci gag that had been tied around her head. She wiggled against her restraints and shook her head back and forth, looking into the camera with pleading, sorrowful eyes.

“Deandra “Lil’ Deedee” Martin, you stand accused of being a fake adult baby and diaper lover and scamming good, honest ABDL fetishists. How do you plead?” said Pete, grabbing onto the pacifier in Deedee’s mouth and flipping it downward.

Silence was held in the air for an uncomfortable amount of time, until finally, Deedee muttered, “G-Guilty.” Picking her eyes off of the floor, she looked into the camera with a mournful expression. “I’m guilty. I’ve never been into any of this. I started doing it because I didn’t want to work retail anymore and it seemed easy enough. That’s no excuse, though. I’m sorry. You all deserve better.”

Even Pete was stunned, unprepared to hear such a genuine apology. Looking around at what he was doing, a twinge of guilt suddenly hit him; the kind that only happens when you get exactly what you wanted. “The jury of your peers that you have amassed over the past several years of lying will take into consideration your admission of guilt,” said Pete, committing to his plan in spite of his lingering doubts. He leaned in towards the monitor, watching diligently as the responses came in.

toyclown: Punishment! Punishment!

EORules97: Jake Paul’s apology video was more convincing

AllySmolShork: C’mon guys! Hasn’t she been through enough today?

Samantharebecca: Heck no! Finish her!

PrincessJessica: She’s come this far might as well see it through 😈

A smirk started to form on Pete’s face as he realized what a monster he had created. Other than a few calls for sympathy, the vast majority were in favor of seeing Deedee’s punishment fulfilled to its bitter end. Any ounce of guilt vanished from his mind, encouraged by the vengeful voices of the chat. “Looks like your fans aren’t satisfied with your apology, Lil’ Deedee,” he said, stepping aside to let Deedee watch her chat.

Having been disconnected from her top subscribers since this whole thing started, Deedee had no idea just how many of her most generous supporters had turned against her. Practically everyone was calling for her to be put through diaper discipline for the rest of her days. “W-Wait! What?! I said I was sorry! You fucking freaks already put me through hell today! What more do you want?!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, her rage growing with every word, “You’re all just jealous that you’re just a bunch of sissy loser basement dwellers who could never land a girl like me in a million bazillion years! Fuck all of y-MMMMMMMFFF!” Her words were cut off as Pete pushed the paci gag back into her mouth, ending her tirade in its tracks.

“Quite the temper tantrum there, Lil’ Deedee,” said Pete, snickering as walked up to the bound and gagged girl and leaned down, brushing his fingers over the Magic Wand’s on-switch, “But I think it’s time you finally give the people what they want.” With the smallest of flicks, he started up the vibrator, sending ripples of pleasure coursing throughout Deedee’s bloated diaper.

Deedee tried to lean her body away from the buzzing head of the Magic Wand, squirming in her seat to gain any sort of relief that she could. Regrettably, this only served to smash the mush around her butt, coating it in a thick layer of brown sludge. Each involuntary moan that escaped her lips only further fueled the blush in her cheeks, something that her loving ex couldn’t get enough of.

“Wowie, you really know how to put on a show,” said Pete, leaning in close to her ear, “Now, be a good girl and listen to what I say. I COMMAND you to be turned on whenever you are in diapers. I COMMAND that you’ll only be sexually satisfied when you are in diapers. And, lastly, I COMMAND you to not be able to cum unless permitted to by someone else. With that, I release you from your hypnotic bond.”

Deedee’s eyes went wide as Punisher Pete locked in his final and most important commands. All of a sudden, her body started to feel…hot. Hotter than she’d ever felt before. She tried to ignore her salacious desires at first, but she could only hold out for so long. Soon, she felt her hips start to stutter in place, flexing her thighs up and down as she tried and failed to ease the arousal that her body was enduring. As grossed out as she was at the fact that she was slowly grinding on top of a messy diaper, she couldn’t stop herself. The euphoria it filled her with was indescribable.

And yet, despite how sexually thrilling this all was to Deedee, she couldn’t seem to push herself over the edge. Her grinding became harder and more precise. Her moans grew louder with each hump. Her focus and concentration continued to slip away. Her breathing became heavy and hot. There was no denying that she was getting into it as her inability to finish drove her further into achieving sexual bliss through diapers.

Deep in her brain, wire began to cross in unexpected, infantile ways. Thanks to Pete’s commands, the tether between ABDL and her own sexual desires only grew stronger as it pushed its way to the forefront of her mind. “F-Feews…sho good…” she mumbled out from behind her paci gag. Internally, she had no idea why she’d ever say something like that out loud, making her pray that neither Pete nor the stream had heard her. Unfortunately, with the way her luck was trending, she wasn’t too hopeful.

“Awww! I think Lil’ Deedee might have some potential as an ABDL streamer after all,” said Pete, walking up behind Deedee and placing his hands on her boobs, massaging both of them for the camera, “What do you think Deedee? If you did streams with Dada all the time, he’d be sure to let you make all the diapee cummies your Little heart desires.”

Deedee wanted nothing more than to shout “FUCK NO!” at the top of her lungs. Like hell, she had any intentions of ever seeing Pete again. However, be it some desperate, carnal need or purely the product of Pete’s humiliating hypnosis, she couldn’t bring herself to refuse him. Whether or not she wanted to admit it, she loved the way her mushy, squishy diaper felt as she humped it and craved to make it even squishier, in hopes that a fuller diaper would get her to climax.

Looking down at the pained, horny expression on Deedee’s face, Pete was elated to see just how far gone her mind really was. If the long line of drool dripping down from Deedee’s chin was any indication, she was only one big finish away from becoming a bonafide ABDL. Removing her pacifier to let her speak, he said, “Well, do you want Dada to let you cum?”

With no hint of hesitation, Deedee’s primal urges took control. “Y-yeth,” she lisped without noticing, “Pwease…wet me…cum…”

The entire chat went crazy the moment they heard those words come out of Deedee’s mouth. While a few were still arguing over whether or not this whole charade was real or not, most had dropped all pretense of caring, in favor of sitting back and enjoying the show. Slowly, but surely, the crowd that had so eagerly turned against her, crawled back over to her side.

Snickering with satisfaction, Pete glanced over at the monitor. He’d done it. Not only did he get his revenge, but he also legitimized Deedee in the eyes of the masses. No one would ever believe she was a poser again after the day she’d had. Still, as pleased as he was with how far Deedee had come, he had one last trial for her before he could let her cum. “Oh, I’d love to, my sweet Dee, but I’m afraid I didn’t hear a ‘Dada’ in there,” he said, his lips curling into a cruel, victorious smile.

Deedee could care less at this point what faces he was making or what demands he had up his sleeve. Her sexual frustration had built itself up to new heights. Nodding her head furiously, she panted out, “Dada, pweeease! I needs to cum, dada!”

“As you wish,” said Pete, leaning in close to Deedee’s ear, “Cum for me and become mine.”
Convulsing within her bindings, Deedee’s eyes rolled back and her feet kicked up from the floor as she experienced the most powerful orgasm of her life. Squirt after squirt of clear ejaculate splattered against the front of her padding so loud that even the chat was picking it up. After almost a full minute, her climax finally reached its end, leaving her as nothing more than a quivering mess.

Turning to the camera, Pete stepped into frame, being sure to keep Deedee in full view. “We hope you enjoyed the show today and we can’t wait to see you again at our next stream!” he said gleefully, ready to shut down the camera and finally give his tormented baby girl some rest. The chat, however, had other ideas.

EORules97: Wait…are we allowed to make her cum too? If so, cum again!

BlushyBen: Deedee did so well today! I give her permission to have another orgasm!

PrincessJessica: Make cummies as much as you want to, this is so hot I never want it to end

toyclown: Squirt! Squirt! Squirt! Pew! Pew! Pew! 💦💦💦

Turning his head back, Pete’s eyes widened as Deedee’s body began to shake with all the commands to cum over and over again continuing to pile up. There was nothing he could do at this point but let the chat have its way with her. Besides, if that hauntingly aroused smile on her face was any indication, she’d never want this stream to end.




Heyyo ISC members! I hope you all enjoyed The Poser as much as I did! We put together a fantastic series, and now it’s time to start all over again. The last time we voted on ideas, The Poser tied one other series idea called The Gambler. The Gambler will once again be an option in voting, but I also want to give everyone the chance to pitch some of their own ideas.

If you have any ideas for interactive stories, please comment below or send me a DM! Come up with a title and a summary that is no more than three sentences long. I’ll be publishing the poll to decide our next story on Wednesday, April 13th, so you have until then to get your ideas in! I look forward to seeing what you all come up with! 💕