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Hello, heroes.

Let 2021 be kind and gentle with you, may you find the fortunate moment to sit a while, bathed by sun and astounded at the beauty of the world around.

And failing that, may you just have a pretty dang good year.

Let those pictures, some new, some blue, some old, some used, give you joy.

And Now For Something Completely Different

I've pondered the structure of the patreon a fair bit at year's end and come to some conclusions:

a) I'll probably never manage more than one paid post per month.

b) Some months I write more, some months less. Same with drawings.

c) It averages out, I suppose.

d) I regularly get asked, "how many posts can I expect per month?"

So I've decided to simplify things by switching to a per month subscription model and seeing how that goes.

Things staying the same:

I'm still going to aim for one (biggish) pdf update per month, but I'll also share link rolls of new content from the Ekleksikon (suitable for the UVG, Red Sky, etc.) every couple of weeks, along with art.

Things changing:

I'm going to simplify the tiers a bit. Neoheros will be merged with heroes. Will clean up what each tier nets. Update the landing page. Add links.

Project Statuses as of January 2021

Active stuff:

  • Holy Mountain Shaker --> target: finish writing.
  • Seacat --> target: finally complete character creation.
  • Red Sky --> need to convert to Affinity Publisher. Adding content in Ekleksikon.
  • VotBO --> gets the pieces that don't fit in Red Sky, like the Eclipsed Lands.
  • Longwinter --> get print ready by month's end.

Less active:

  • Dark Prologue
  • This High House
  • Series of loosely-linked Longwinter-themed "5-room" dungeons to help opulence the setting.
  • Our Friend, The End player role cards.

--- // ---

Enough to keep things busy this month, I think! Any questions, suggestions, hopes, directions --> in the comments. I love to see them :)

—Take care, everyone!





Happy New Year to you too. Monthly works well, easier for everyone to manage. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with this year.


Happy New Year to you as well and best wishes!