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Dear heroes,

I didn't know if I'd manage to do this one.

It's preparation was a bit of a secret, I didn't even know what to call it, until an anonymous hero called a completely different thing a "mini-adventure work" - a MAW - and I loved it and received permission to use the term.

This idea has been marinating in the background for a long, long time. It uses the gat token (yes, a recursive acronym) mechanic from seacat to give a roleplaying game a dramatic overlay. This High House (notes only) uses it. Dark Prologue does, too. But Our Friend, The End finally turns it into a usable (I think) format.

So, what is it?

Well, it's a meta-module that helps the DM bring a sputtering long-running campaign to a dramatic conclusion. It takes a bunch of loose ends and NPCs, then provides instructions for knitting them into one last session to end the campaign. It can be a cosmic bang or a small scale show down between rival gangs.

I would go on at length, but the end of the year is upon me.

I really have to run.

Saint Silvester won't play all by them selfsome.

And the Pechten and the Perkmandlc also need some time.

Ask questions! Post comments away!

I think it's pretty cool, the layout might not be perfect - I rushed a bit.

I'll explain more next post.

Gods, the time.

I have to run!

The snow! It's here!


Cheers and farewell, 2020! May 2021 ... well, let's not jinx it. A good year's end, good heroes!





I started wrapping up my long-running 5e game this weekend, using this a framework for a huge climactic sea battle and it's been great so far. I was unsure how it'd go turning more explicit narrative control over to my players as they've shied away from it before but it was a lot of fun. Plus it's hilarious watching them squirm when I ask them who dies for their plan, who they sacrifice. And more than that, doing the kind of retrospective of the whole campaign, as strung out as it's been by time and schedules and a global pandemic, was really nice? I was reminded of moments and characters I'd forgotten but that they'd hung on to. Anyways, thank you for creating this. I look forward to running the rest of it and finding out where it all ends up. :D