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Seacat, Ekleksikon, Pollix

  • More art and ekleksikon posts are sufficient. Bring on the digital future! 32
  • I prefer pdfs. But I'll tolerate this deviation. Barely. 30
  • Mmm, no, I really am here only for the pdfs. I'm going to pause my patreonage for this month. 1
  • Luka, you really should just switch to a per-month subscription. I just like seeing the art and the stuff you write. 98
  • Other. Comment below. Hear my thoughts. 2
  • 2020-12-20
  • 163 votes
{'title': 'Seacat, Ekleksikon, Pollix', 'choices': [{'text': 'More art and ekleksikon posts are sufficient. Bring on the digital future!', 'votes': 32}, {'text': "I prefer pdfs. But I'll tolerate this deviation. Barely.", 'votes': 30}, {'text': "Mmm, no, I really am here only for the pdfs. I'm going to pause my patreonage for this month.", 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Luka, you really should just switch to a per-month subscription. I just like seeing the art and the stuff you write.', 'votes': 98}, {'text': 'Other. Comment below. Hear my thoughts.', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 12, 20, 2, 42, 24, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 163}


Dear heroes,

Welcome to the times of the solstice. In the northern climes, the days will soon start getting longer, and we shall celebrate the celebrations we traditionally celebrate. It’ll be a bit odd this year, what with the restrictions and limitations abound us, but we will as we will. I wish you all a good season of cheer and good tiding.

I also come with news and questions.


After Longwinter, I’m easing myself back into writing Seacat, and the easing is taking some time. Likely, this month will just see art added to the current texts, not writing out many more of the rules. I’ll also share some high-resolution pieces here.


With Seacat more and more clearly accepting its psychedelic metal roots as a system for the UVG, Red Sky, and VotBO, I’ve realized a problem with my current glossary methods. Namely, the glossaries are tied to a single book or pdf and hard to update.

To deal with that—and to ease back into writing Seacat—I’ve started writing up the glossary entries as individual posts in the Ekleksikon (Eclectic + Lexicon) over on the website.


I hope you will find this suitable and enjoyable! A couple of the posts actually detail new (playable?) weird factions to meet or hero-types for your UVG-style games.

The glass people: https://www.wizardthieffighter.com/2020/glass-people-shtrakha/

The divine particles: https://www.wizardthieffighter.com/2020/particle-of-the-living-god/

One thing that really helps me to write with this format is that … frankly … there is less formatting and layout. A true boon.

Holy Mountain Shaker

The other thing I’m writing these days (and struggling with a little in a writersblockerly way) is the OSE adventure. I think I’ve cracked the way forward, but … we’ll see.

Why A Poll?

I want to find out how you all feel about this month’s approach. Are high-resolution art, an online publically accessible glossary, and a few new Seacat illustrations an acceptable format for a paid post or not?

I won’t abandon books (of cors not), but after grinding nose-to-screen on Longwinter for a while, I am appreciating the looseness of just-art and just-text for a bit. But, this month, the pdf will be less extensive than usual.

If you think to yourself, “Luka, no, I’m here for 24 pages of pdf per month! Away with these fripperies!” … or something to that effect … there is the option to pause the patronage for this month. Don’t fret about taking advantage of that option if it suits you!

If you have other feedback or comments, do also append them! I read them all with great pleasure.


A Very Pointy Postscript



I think everyone is happy if you just put out something a month. I dont expect much from you as you are the creator and I the supporter. So do your thing! We love it!


So ... in weird news ... an example of how to use the group action mechanic has grown into its own cool little thing. Maybe it'll be ready tomorrow. Fingers. Crosses!