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Dear heroes,

it* is done.

Attached please find:

  • Longwinter Visitors Book - a mostly in-character guide and gazetteer to the Barony of Brezim for all the players at the table. 104 pages of unique Lastlands locations, natural curiosities, ruins of lost times, social upheaval, and impending doom. Over 40 full color illustrations.
  • Longwinter Referee Book - a host of encounters, characters, and events to bring a winter icebox to life (or death) and make the referee's job a little easier. 114 pages of content, 15 full color illustrations, variable maps to showcase the effects of the encroaching winter.
  • Five high resolution new pieces.

What's new from 0.99:

  • 5 new pieces of art, 2 recovered pieces of art.
  • some typos
  • some layout errors
  • a redone cover
  • more gratitude and delays.

What's new in 1.01 from 1.0:

  • Replaced 1 ad (Kaiserlich) with a full-color piece of art. Now the Visitor's Book has 50 pieces of color art, I believe.

Phew. There we go. I thought I'd be at this till week's end, but here we are. Done on Wednesday! I wasn't going to pester you with an update so soon, but what can you do. It's done.

It's done!

The digital books will be available off-patreon later this week, and in print sometime next year.

It's truly a good feeling to have Longwinter out the door. Everyone who was patient with me: thank you so much.

Now, on to new things!

—With snow stars and ice embraces,


*Terms and conditions apply. It refers to the 1.0 finished digital editions of Longwinter. It does not infringe on the trademarks of Cousin It Inc. or the Steven Qing intellectual property of the same authenticity or the products of any other artistes keen to label their works as it, white book, white album, or some such.


Smöl Update (2020/12/11): replaced one ad with a full-color piece of art in the Visitor's Book.



Juniper And Sage

Thanks. Look forward to reading through these when the weekend hits.


Oh, whoops - I uploaded the wrong version of 1.01 - it was the low-res for sharing on the stratometaship discord, because it has a limited file sizes!


I'm a bit concerned the 150 dpi might not be good enough considering new screens. So, I've made a higher-resolution version as well.