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Dear heroes, welcome to Week 2 of Year 202X!

It's been ... eventful. Distracting, even. But I'll try to stick to the stratometaship and maintain my celestial sanity, or at least an approximation of it.

This is just a quick update on two fronts relevant for the heroes:

1. changes to a monthly structure

2. the seacat illustrated rpg for UVG and beyond.

Switching to monthly

In the next few days I'll switch the stratometaship over to a monthly payment structure. I've mentioned it before, but now it's happening. This'll bring some consolidation of tiers (e.g. neoheroes are getting merged with heroes), and I might add a few more tiers. I'll try and set the date towards the end of the month, so everyone will be able to check and decide for themselves what they think of the new arrangement.

Seacat Illustrated

I've found the courage to return to seacat, parsing through, filling it out, adding art. It's a big project, and sometimes I quail before its enormity. The way it's looking now, there will eventually be black and white art on nearly every page, and colour art on the chapter and section titles.

The system is mostly there, but the wrestling match with Longwinter left me feeling a bit conflicted. Do I have what it takes to pull it off? Is there good purpose to it?

What I eventually realized was that it was staring me in the face. The goal of seacat isn't a generic absolute roleplaying system (a G.A.R.P.S. if you will). It's a psychedelic metal rpg for UVG, and beyond that adventures like Red Sky and the Voyages of the Black Obelisk -- through strange gates, into the minds of rusty gods, through the nostrils of void centipedes, and out the portals of mis-forgotten feline dreams.

Things got easier at that point. Nothing like a bit of design focus to rediscover the mojo, eh? I'll post version 0.62 of Seacat early next week. And then try to do more or less biweekly seacat updates. Till then, the attached screenshots should tease.

But it's still a fair hard mountain of work, because at this point so much of it is collating and refining existing chapters, while completing others. You won't believe how surprisingly weird it is trying to squish the brain to produce 100 different abilities that aren't just strange or useful, but are also potentially fun. Well, maybe you will believe.


Now, for something mostly different. With so much editing and polishing involved in Seacat, it's a relief to have found a way to just invent again, without too much attention paid to how useful it will be. Hence, the eclectic glossary of the ekleksikon.

Over the last week I've mostly completed the Red Sky mythos posts, expending on the small mentions in the old manuscripts.

Clockwork Faith of the Izvoreni, #Red Sky, https://www.wizardthieffighter.com/2021/clockwork-god-faith-of-the/

8 rumours, a 10-step plot, 767 words

Naga King, #Red Sky, https://www.wizardthieffighter.com/2021/naga-king/

8 rumors, 378 words

Dry Brothers, #Red Sky, https://www.wizardthieffighter.com/2021/dry-brothers/

short entry, 160 words


As always, peace and health to you all. Ease and creativity be upon you.

:praying peach:





Both your description of the goal of Seacat and the pictures of some of the pages is awesome. Makes me excited to see more.