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Hello, good heroes! ••• Hello, kind stumble-by readers!

The month continues. News from the realm of the seacat, from the shores of the ultraviolet sea of grass, from the glowing reeds that greet the moon tonight.

Next week I'll post the next update of seacat. It should have the compleat character generation section, tho I confess the rules won't all be finished yet.

"Everything takes so much longer than we think."

I should just accept that as truth and move on, but I'm still surprised. Every time.

So what's, it looking like?

Quite pretty, honestly.

Chapters are getting full-color panels to make them stand-out more.

Rules are getting streamlined. Including rules for making custom content. Most of the commentary is going to end up in blog posts eventually, but for now ... pithy wins. I guess.

Look at that elegant, sneaky, one-roll stat generator! :D Art still missing in action.

I think I've already shared this picture, but I'm really not sure. Trust me, the hero sheet works fine, but it looks smol on a screen because it's sized for A4. The imperial supreme objectivity (ISO) standard size.

I've also made a daft (and illegible) version for on-screen use. This was just a bit of fun-and-games, honestly. For actual screen use it'd need bigger fonts and things.

Some changes coming vis earlier versions

  • The full spell albums are going to get their own book later, for now I'll just make 20 core spells. Most of them should be somewhat useful (questionable) and humorous (for a twisted definition of ... oh, look, a funny-shaped potato!).
  • The pet, weapon, equipment, etc. advancement tables will make an appearance.
  • I confess ... this thing is going to be fully illustrated sooner or later. I ... yeah. Fine.

Other News

The biggest thing that happened last week was ... I finally refurbished www.wizardthieffighter.com! It looks spiffy now! Which is nice!

Honestly, I had started to feel uncomfortable blogging because it wasn't looking nice enough, so, yeah ... finally bit the bullet and redid some things. I was also happy to find out that the trauma of working on a corporate wordpress site for a micromanaging crazy boss (long story) has finally mostly faded! Success!

So, Next Week

  • The for money update. As done as it can hopefully be.
  • Possibly a poll for the metaheroes.
  • That's it :)

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